- have influence over
prejudice (influence), prevail upon
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006
have someone in the palm of one's hand — HAVE CONTROL OVER, have influence over, have someone eating out of one s hand, have someone on a string; N. Amer. have someone in one s hip pocket. → palm * * * have (or hold) someone in the palm of one s hand have someone under one s control or… … Useful english dictionary
have someone in one's power — have someone under one s power I doubt that Roger will ever have Etta under his power Syn: have control over, have influence over, have under one s thumb, have at one s mercy, have in one s clutches, have in the palm of one s hand, have someone… … Thesaurus of popular words
have someone in/under one's power — HAVE CONTROL OVER, have influence over, have under one s thumb, have at one s mercy, have in one s clutches, have in the palm of one s hand; N. Amer. have in one s hip pocket; informal have over a barrel. → power … Useful english dictionary
have a finger in every pie — To have an involvement in many different affairs • • • Main Entry: ↑finger * * * have a finger in every pie informal phrase to be involved in a lot of different things Thesaurus: to take part, or to become involvedsynonym … Useful english dictionary
influence — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Power to effect decision Nouns 1. influence, importance, weight, pressure, preponderance; predominance, predominancy (see superiority); power, sway; ascendancy; hegemony, reign, control, authority; bias … English dictionary for students
have someone in the palm of one's hand — can t you see that Dorrey has you in the palm of her hand? Syn: have control over, have influence over, have someone eating out of one s hand, have someone on a string, have someone in one s hip pocket, have someone wrapped around one s finger … Thesaurus of popular words
have a finger in every pie — to be involved in and have influence over many different activities, often in a way that other people do not approve of. You can t make a decision on any kind of funding without consulting him he has a finger in every pie … New idioms dictionary
influence — n Influence, authority, prestige, weight, credit are comparable when they mean power exerted over the minds or acts of others either without apparent effort or as the result of the qualities, the position, or the reputation of the person or thing … New Dictionary of Synonyms
have — [ weak əv, həv, strong hæv ] (3rd person singular has [ weak əz, həz, strong hæz ] ; past tense and past participle had [ weak əd, həd, strong hæd ] ) verb *** Have can be used in the following ways: as an auxiliary verb in perfect tenses of… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
have someone in the palm of your hand — phrase to have complete power over someone so that they do what you tell them to do He had the audience in the palm of his hand. Thesaurus: to be in chargesynonym Main entry: palm * * * have someone in the palm of your hand see ↑palm … Useful english dictionary