Hindsight — Álbum de estudio de Anathema Publicación 25 de agosto de 2008[1] Género(s) Rock alternativo Rock progresivo … Wikipedia Español
hindsight — n. understanding the nature of an event after it has happened; as, hindsight is always clearer than foresight. [WordNet 1.5] {20 20 hindsight}, {twenty twenty hindsight} Perfect understanding of an event after it has happened; a term usually used … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
hindsight — At first used to mean ‘the backsight of a rifle’, since the later part of the 19c it has been used in an abstract sense ‘wisdom or knowledge after the event’, especially in the phrase in (or with) hindsight: • With hindsight, it was probably the… … Modern English usage
hindsight — by 1841, backsight of a firearm, from HIND (Cf. hind) (adj.) + SIGHT (Cf. sight). Meaning seeing what has happened is attested by 1862, Amer.Eng., (in proverbial If our foresight was as good as our hindsight, it would be an easy matter to get… … Etymology dictionary
Hindsight — (sorti en août 2008) est un album acoustique reprenant quelques unes des meilleures chansons des différents albums d Anathema. Pistes : Fragile dreams Leave no trace Inner silence One last goodbye Are you there? Angelica A natural disaster… … Wikipédia en Français
hindsight — [n] retrospect 20/20 vision*, experience, knowledge, looking back, Monday morning quarterbacking, recollection, remembering, wisdom; concepts 17,40,410 … New thesaurus
hindsight — ► NOUN ▪ understanding of a situation or event after it has happened … English terms dictionary
hindsight — ☆ hindsight [hīnd′sīt΄ ] n. 1. the rear sight of a firearm 2. ability to see, after the event, what should have been done … English World dictionary
hindsight — noun PREPOSITION ▪ in hindsight ▪ Their first idea was deemed, in hindsight, a mistake. ▪ with hindsight ▪ This all seems obvious with hindsight … Collocations dictionary
hindsight — hind|sight [ˈhaındsaıt] n [U] the ability to understand a situation only after it has happened →↑foresight with/in hindsight ▪ With hindsight, I should have seen the warning signs. the benefit/wisdom of hindsight ▪ With the benefit of hindsight,… … Dictionary of contemporary English