hold responsible for

hold responsible for
I verb accuse, ascribe to, attribute to, blame, call to account, censure, charge, charge with, cite, convict, criticize, denounce, deprecate, execrate, fix the responsibility for, impeach, implicate, impugn, impute to, incriminate, inculpate, indict, reprehend, upbraid II index confide (trust)

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

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  • hold sb/sth responsible — ► to blame someone or something for something bad that happened: »He was held responsible for the accident. Main Entry: ↑responsible …   Financial and business terms

  • hold sth responsible — hold sb/sth responsible ► to blame someone or something for something bad that happened: »He was held responsible for the accident. Main Entry: ↑responsible …   Financial and business terms

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