
I verb abstain from recognizing, be blind to, be inattentive, be rude, boycott, brush aside, bypass, cut, discard, disclaim, disdain, disregard, dodge, elude, evade, give the cold shoulder, hold in contempt, intentionally disregard, let slide, let slip, make unwelcome, miss, neglect, neglegere, omit, ostracize, overlook, pass by, pass over, pass without notice, pay no attention to, pay no heed to, praeterire, pretend not to see, push aside, refrain from noticing, refuse to acknowledge, refuse to admit, refuse to hear, refuse to notice, reject, repudiate, scorn, shrug off, skip, slight, slur over, snub, take no note, take no notice, treat rudely, turn a deaf ear to, turn one's back on, utterly overlook, willfully disregard II index discount (disbelieve), disdain, dismiss (put out of consideration), disobey, disoblige, disregard, exclude, fail (neglect), neglect, overlook (superintend), override, pretermit, rebuff, reject, shirk, shun, spurn

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

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  • ignoré — ignoré, ée [ iɲɔre ] adj. • de ignorer ♦ Qui n est pas su, connu. ⇒ inconnu. Événements ignorés, qui sont restés ignorés. Vivre ignoré, ignoré de tous. ⇒ obscur. ⊗ CONTR. Célèbre. ignoré,ée adj. Inconnu ou méconnu. Talent ignoré. ⇒IGNORÉ, ÉE,… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Ignore — Ig*nore , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Ignored}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Ignoring}.] [L. ignorare; pref. in not + the root of gnarus knowing, noscere to become acquainted with. See {Know}, and cf. {Narrate}.] 1. To be ignorant of or not acquainted with.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • ignoré — ignoré, ée (i gno ré, rée) part. passé d ignorer. 1°   Qui n est pas su. L histoire ignorée de ceux qui devraient la savoir. 2°   Qui n est pas connu, en parlant des personnes. •   Qu heureux est le mortel qui, du monde ignoré, Vit content de soi …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • ignore — [ig nôr′] vt. ignored, ignoring [Fr ignorer < L ignorare, to have no knowledge of, ignore < in , not + base of gnarus, knowing < IE base * ĝnā , * g̑nō , KNOW] 1. to disregard deliberately; pay no attention to; refuse to consider 2. Law… …   English World dictionary

  • ignore — (v.) 1610s, not to know, to be ignorant of, from Fr. ignorer be unaware of, from L. ignorare not to know, disregard (see IGNORANT (Cf. ignorant)). Sense of pay no attention to first recorded 1801 (Barnhart says probably a dictionary word ), and… …   Etymology dictionary

  • ignore — disregard, overlook, slight, *neglect, omit, forget Analogous words: blink, *wink: evade, elude, *escape, avoid, shun, eschew Antonyms: heed (a warning, a sign, a symptom): acknowledge (sense 2) …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • ignore — [v] disregard on purpose avoid, be oblivious to, blink, brush off*, bury one’s head in sand*, cold shoulder*, discount, disdain, evade, fail, forget, let it go*, neglect, omit, overlook, overpass, pass over, pay no attention to, pay no mind*,… …   New thesaurus

  • ignoré — Ignoré, [ignor]ée. part …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • ignore — ► VERB 1) disregard intentionally. 2) fail to consider (something significant). ORIGIN Latin ignorare not know …   English terms dictionary

  • ignore — verb ADVERB ▪ altogether, completely, entirely, totally, utterly ▪ almost, practically, virtually ▪ effectively …   Collocations dictionary

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