
index unyielding

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

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  • unyielding — I adjective adamant, adamantine, constant, decided, dedicated, determined, devoted, enduring, faithful, firm, fixed, hard, headstrong, immobile, immovable, impliant, indomitable, inductile, inexorable, inflexible, intractable, intransigent,… …   Law dictionary

  • firm — I adj 1. hard, stiff, rigid, solid, hardened, solidified; compressed, compact, indurated, condensed; congealed, frozen, impermeable, impenetrable; stony, adamantine, steely, iron; osseous, ossified, bony, horny. 2. fixed, fast, set, close, taut,… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • short — adj 1. little, small, Chiefly Scot. wee, miniature, miniscule, minikin, diminutive, Scot. cutly; tiny, elfin, bantam, slight, (of women) petite, Lilliputian, Inf. Tom Thumb, Sl. pint sized, Sl. pocket sized, Sl. sawed off, Sl. knee high to a… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

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