Dred Scott v. Sandford

Dred Scott v. Sandford
An 1857 U.S. Supreme Court decision that ruled that no black person could be a citizen of the United States, that all slaves were the property of their owners and not citizens who could bring lawsuits themselves, and that the government could not revoke a slave owner’s right to own slaves based on where he or she lived, invalidating the Missouri Compromise, which had tried to ban slavery in part of the Louisiana territory.

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

Dred Scott v. Sandford
The U.S. Supreme Court decision in which the Court ruled that African Americans, whether enslaved or free, were not citizens of the United States and therefore did not have the right to sue in federal court. The Court also ruled that the federal government could not prohibit slavery in the territories. The decision was a prime factor leading to the Civil War, but was eventually rendered moot by the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution — which provides that anyone born or naturalized in the United States is a citizen of the nation and of his or her state.
Full text: Dred Scott v. Sandford (Nolo)
Category: Small Claims Court & Lawsuits

Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. . 2009.

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  • Dred Scott v. Sandford — Scott v. Sandford Supreme Court of the United States Argued February 11–14, 1856 Reargued December 15 …   Wikipedia

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  • Dred Scott vs. Sandford — Dred Scott v. Sandford Verhandelt 11. 14. Februar 1856 / 15. 18. Februar 1857 Entschieden 6. März 1857 Rubrum: Dred Scott v. John F. A. Sandford Aktenzeichen: 60 U.S. 393 (1856) …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Dred Scott v. Sandford — Verhandelt 11. 14. Februar 1856 / 15. 18. Februar 1857 Entschieden 6. März 1857 Rubrum: Dred Scott v. John F. A. Sandford Aktenzeichen: 60 U.S. 393 (1856) …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • Roger B. Taney: Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857) — ▪ Primary Source       By the mid 1850s there existed a widespread feeling that the slavery question, which Congress had been unable to resolve, should be dealt with by the courts; and President Buchanan, in his inaugural address (March 4, 1857) …   Universalium

  • Scott v. sandford — Portrait de Dred Scott Dred Scott v. John F. A. Sandford (Dred Scott contre John F. A. Sandford) est un arrêt de la Cour suprême des États Unis, rendu en mars 1857 (Arrêt 60 U.S. 393). Il est généralement cité comme Scott v. Sandford, Dred Scott… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Scott vs Sandford — Dred Scott v. Sandford Verhandelt 11. 14. Februar 1856 / 15. 18. Februar 1857 Entschieden 6. März 1857 Rubrum: Dred Scott v. John F. A. Sandford Aktenzeichen: 60 U.S. 393 (1856) …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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