
im·pos·tor or im·pos·ter /im-'päs-tər/ n: one that assumes a false identity or title for the purpose of deception: impersonator

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

index sham

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

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  • impostor — IMPOSTÓR, OÁRE, impostori, oare, s.m. şi f. Persoană care caută să înşele, profitând de necunoştinţa sau de buna credinţă a oamenilor; şarlatan, mincinos. ♦ Persoană care caută să se substituie altcuiva (pentru a lucra, a profita în numele lui);… …   Dicționar Român

  • Impostor — est un film américain réalisé par Gary Fleder, sorti en 2002 au cinéma et adapté d une nouvelle de Philip K. Dick. Impostor Données clés Réalisation Gary Fleder Scénario Caroline Case Ehren Kruger David Twohy Philip K. Dick (roman) Acteur …   Wikipédia en Français

  • impostor — impostor, faker, quack, mountebank, charlatan denote a person who makes pretensions to being someone or something that he is not or of being able to do something he cannot really do. Impostor applies especially to one who passes himself off for… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Impostor — Im*pos tor, n. [L. impostor a deceiver, fr. imponere to impose upon, deceive. See {Impone}.] One who imposes upon others; a person who assumes a character or title not his own, for the purpose of deception; a pretender. The fraudulent impostor… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • impostor — UK [ɪmˈpɒstə(r)] / US [ɪmˈpɑstər] or imposter UK / US noun [countable] Word forms impostor : singular impostor plural impostors someone who pretends to be someone else, in order to trick people …   English dictionary

  • impostor — (n.) 1580s, from M.Fr. imposteur (16c.), from L.L. impostor, agent noun from impostus, collateral form of impositus, pp. of imponere place upon, impose upon, deceive, from assimilated form of in into, in, on, upon (see IN (Cf. in ) (2)) + ponere… …   Etymology dictionary

  • impostor — |ô| adj. s. m. 1. Que ou aquele que diz ou faz imposturas. = EMBUSTEIRO, MENTIROSO, TRAPACEIRO ≠ HONESTO, HONRADO, LEAL 2. Que ou aquele que não demonstra os seus sentimentos. = FALSO, FINGIDO, HIPÓCRITA ≠ VERDADEIRO 3. Que ou aquele que se acha… …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • impostor — impostor, ra adjetivo,sustantivo masculino y femenino 1. Que se hace pasar por quien no es: El cobrador de la luz era un impostor …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

  • impostor — impostor, ra (Del lat. impostor, ōris). 1. adj. Que atribuye falsamente a alguien algo. U. m. c. s.) 2. Que finge o engaña con apariencia de verdad. U. m. c. s.) 3. m. y f. Suplantador, persona que se hace pasar por quien no es …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • impostor — or imposter [im päs′tər] n. [Fr imposteur < LL impostor < pp. of L imponere: see IMPOSE] a person who deceives or cheats others, esp. by pretending to be someone or something that he or she is not SYN. QUACK2 …   English World dictionary

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