
I noun artfulness, breach of trust, corruption, craftiness, crookedness, deceit, deceitfulness, deviousness, dishonesty, disingenuity, disingenuousness, duplicity, falsehood, falseness, falsity, fraud, fraudulence, fraudulency, furtiveness, graft, guile, indirection, insidiousness, insincerity, inveracity, jobbery, knavery, lack of conscience, lack of integrity, lack of principle, lying, mendaciousness, mendacity, obliquity, rascality, roguery, shadiness, surreptitiousness, treacherousness, tnckiness, truthlessness, undependability, underhandedness, unreliability, unscrupulousness, unstraightforwardness, untrustworthiness, untruthfulness II index attaint, bad faith, bad repute, bribery, contempt (disobedience to the court), corruption, culpability, delinquency (misconduct), dishonesty, dishonor (nonpayment), dishonor (shame), disloyalty, fraud, guilt, hypocrisy, indirection (deceitfulness), injustice, misdemeanor, misdoing, racket, wrong

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

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  • Improbity — Im*prob i*ty, n. [L. improbitas; pref. im not + probitas probity: cf. F. improbit[ e].] Lack of probity; lack of integrity or rectitude; dishonesty. [1913 Webster] Persons . . . cast out for notorious improbity. Hooker …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • improbity — [im prō′bi tē] n. pl. improbities 〚ME improbite < L improbitas〛 lack of probity; dishonesty * * * im·pro·bi·ty (ĭm prōʹbĭ tē) n. Lack of probity; dishonesty.   [Middle English improbite, shameless persistence, from Old French, dishonesty, from… …   Universalium

  • improbity — [im prō′bi tē] n. pl. improbities [ME improbite < L improbitas] lack of probity; dishonesty …   English World dictionary

  • Improbity — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Improbity >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 improbity improbity Sgm: N 1 dishonesty dishonesty dishonor Sgm: N 1 deviation from rectitude deviation from rectitude Sgm: N 1 disgrace disgrace &c.(disrepute) 874 Sgm: N 1 fraud …   English dictionary for students

  • improbity — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Lack of probity Nouns 1. improbity; dishonesty, dishonor; disgrace, disrepute; fraud, deception; lying, falsehood; bad faith, infidelity, inconstancy, faithlessness, Judas kiss, betrayal; breach of… …   English dictionary for students

  • improbity — noun A lack of probity, honesty or integrity Syn: dishonesty …   Wiktionary

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  • improbity — im·pro·bi·ty || ɪm prəʊbÉ™tɪ n. wickedness, lack of integrity …   English contemporary dictionary

  • improbity — [ɪm prəʊbɪti, prɒb ] noun formal wickedness or dishonesty …   English new terms dictionary

  • improbity — n. Dishonesty, unfairness, knavery, faithlessness, bad faith, fraud, fraudulence, want of probity, lack of integrity …   New dictionary of synonyms

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