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shame — Synonyms and related words: abasement, abash, abashment, abomination, apologies, atrocity, attrition, ayenbite of inwit, bad, besmirch, bitterness, blacken, bring down, bring into discredit, bring low, bring shame upon, bully, burning shame,… … Moby Thesaurus
shame — n 1. disgrace, dishonor, reproach, degradation, illrepute, bad repute, scandal; baseness, turpitude, debasement, vitiation, ingloriousness; ignominy, infamy, odium, opprobrium, condemnation; slur, imputation, aspersion, defamation, denigration,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
impute — v 1. accuse, charge, challenge, allege, assert, cite, implicate, incriminate, criminate, Obs., Rare. accriminate; point to, set down to, lay at the door of, saddle with, father upon, account for, call to or hold in account; arraign, impeach,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
Disrepute — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Disrepute >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 disrepute disrepute discredit Sgm: N 1 ill repute ill repute bad repute bad name bad odor bad favor ill name ill odor ill favor Sgm: N 1 disapprobation … English dictionary for students
reproach — Synonyms and related words: accusal, accusation, accuse, accusing, admonish, admonishment, admonition, allegation, allege, allegement, anathematize, anathemize, animadvert on, arraign, arraignment, article, aspersion, attaint, badge of infamy,… … Moby Thesaurus
disgrace — I noun abasement, abjectness, abomination, attaint, bad character, bad name, bad report, bad reputation, bad repute, badge of infamy, baseness, blemish, blot, brand, cause of reproach, cause of shame, comedown, condition of infamy, contempt,… … Law dictionary
disrepute — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Want of good reputation Nouns 1. disrepute, disreputableness, discredit, ill repute, bad name, bad odor, ill favor; disapprobation; ingloriousness, derogation, debasement; degradation, obloquy, ignominy; … English dictionary for students
discredit — I noun animadversion, aspersion, attaint, baseness, castigation, censure, condemnation, contumely, criticism, debasement, dedecus, degradation, denunciation, derogation, disapprobation, disapproval, disbelief, disesteem, disfavor, disgrace,… … Law dictionary
disgrace — Synonyms and related words: abasement, abomination, asperse, aspersion, atrocity, bad, belittle, belittling, besmirch, black eye, black mark, blacken, blemish, blot, brand, bring down, bring into discredit, bring low, bring shame upon, burning… … Moby Thesaurus
pillory — I verb accuse, asperse, attaint, befoul, belittle, berate, besmear, besmirch, bespatter, blacken, blot, brand, bring shame upon, calumniate, cast a slur upon, cast aspersions on, cause a scandal, damage a reputation, debase, defame, defile,… … Law dictionary