Equal Rights Amendment — n. a proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution stating that civil rights may not be denied to a resident of the U.S. on account of sex * * * (abbr the ERA) a proposal for an amendment to the US Constitution which would give women equal rights… … Universalium
equal rights amendment — ˌequal ˈrights aˌmendment abbreviation ERA noun [singular] a suggested change to US law, which was intended to give women the same legal rights as men. It was agreed by Congress, but not enough states agreed in time for it to become law * * *… … Financial and business terms
Equal Rights Amendment — Equal Rights Amendment, a proposed amendment to the United States Constitution providing for equal rights of both sexes: »The Equal Rights Amendment…cannot go into effect until 38 states have ratified it (Milton Greenberg). Abbr.: ERA (no… … Useful english dictionary
Equal Rights Amendment — n. a proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution stating that civil rights may not be denied to a resident of the U.S. on account of sex … English World dictionary
Equal Rights Amendment — The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) is a failed proposed amendment to the United States Constitution intended to guarantee equal rights under the law for Americans regardless of sex, which failed to gain ratification before the end of the deadline.… … Wikipedia
Equal Rights Amendment — L Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) est une proposition d amendement de la Constitution des États Unis, déposé dans les années 1920, qui visait à garantir que l égalité des droits entre les sexes ne pouvait être remise en cause par aucune législation… … Wikipédia en Français
Equal Rights Amendment — Equal Rights A|mend|ment, the the full name of the ↑era … Dictionary of contemporary English
Equal Rights Amendment — Proposed amendment to U.S. Constitution which provmed that: Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex. Such amendment failed to receive ratification by the required… … Black's law dictionary
Equal Rights Amendment — Proposed amendment to U.S. Constitution which provmed that: Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex. Such amendment failed to receive ratification by the required… … Black's law dictionary
Equal Rights Amendment — proposal for an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would make gender discrimination unconstitutional (as opposed to merely illegal as it is today), ERA … English contemporary dictionary