incriminate unjustly

incriminate unjustly
index frame (charge falsely), frame (prearrange)

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

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  • incriminate — verb a) To accuse or bring criminal charges against. The newpapers are all incriminating me unjustly in this fiasco! b) To indicate the guilt of. We have all sorts of evidence which incriminate you …   Wiktionary

  • frame — vt framed, fram·ing 1: to formulate the contents of and draw up (as a document) in the two hundred years since our Constitution was framed W. J. Brennan, Jr. 2: to contrive the evidence against (as an innocent person) so that a verdict of guilty… …   Law dictionary

  • frame — /freɪm / (say fraym) noun 1. an enclosing border or case, as for a picture. 2. anything composed of parts fitted and joined together; a structure. 3. the sustaining parts of a structure fitted and joined together; framework; skeleton. 4. the body …  

  • Bribery — Political corruption Corruption Perceptions Index, 2010 …   Wikipedia

  • Frame — 1. emaciated stock animal; 2. frame up; that which is framed, as a plot, or a contest whose result is fraudulently prearranged; fix up; 3. incriminate (someone) unjustly by manufacturing evidence …   Dictionary of Australian slang

  • frame — I Australian Slang 1. emaciated stock animal; 2. frame up; that which is framed, as a plot, or a contest whose result is fraudulently prearranged; fix up; 3. incriminate (someone) unjustly by manufacturing evidence II Mawdesley Glossary to fix or …   English dialects glossary

  • arrogate — v 1.(all in reference to oneself) assume, appropriate, claim, avail oneself of, help oneself to, make free with; seize, take, commandeer, expropriate, usurp, confiscate. 2.(all in reference to another; all falsely or unjustly) impute, ascribe,… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

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