indict for maladministration

indict for maladministration
index impeach

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

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  • impeach — im·peach /im pēch/ vt [Anglo French empecher, from Old French empeechier to hinder, from Late Latin impedicare to fetter, from Latin in + pedica fetter, from ped pes foot] 1: to charge with a crime or misconduct; specif: to charge (a public… …   Law dictionary

  • impeach — v. a. 1. Arraign, accuse, indict. 2. Arraign for malfeasance in office, accuse of maladministration. 3. Discredit, asperse, call in question, censure, denounce, disparage, criminate, impair, lessen …   New dictionary of synonyms

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