
in·no·cence /'i-nə-səns/ n: freedom from fault or guilt under the law: as
a: the state of not being guilty of a particular crime or offense compare guilt
b: the state of not being guilty of an act that constitutes a ground for divorce
c: ignorance on the part of a party to a transaction of facts that would lead a person of ordinary prudence to make inquiries

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I noun absence of guilt, blamelessness, exculpation, exoneration, freedom from blame, freedom from guilt, freedom from illegality, guiltlessness, incorruption, innocency, innocentia, integritas, sinlessness associated concepts: presumption of innocence foreign phrases:
- Omnis indemnatus pro innoxis legibus habetur. — Every uncondemned person is regarded by the law as innocent.
- Quisquls praesumitur bonus; et semper in dubiis pro reo respondendum. — Everyone is presumed to be good; and in doubtful cases it should be resolved in favor of the accused
- In favorem vitae, libertatis, et innocentiae, omnia praesumuntur. — Every presumption is made in favor of life, liberty, and innocence
II index compurgation, credulity, ignorance

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

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  • innocence — [ inɔsɑ̃s ] n. f. • 1120; lat. innocentia → innocent 1 ♦ État de l être qui n est pas souillé par le mal, qui est incapable de le commettre. ⇒ pureté. Le blanc, symbole de l innocence. L innocence d un enfant. ♢ État d une personne qui ignore le… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Innocence — is a term used to indicate a state of moral purity or general lack of guilt, with respect to any kind of crime, sin, or wrongdoing. Its antonym is corruption. In a legal context, innocence refers to the lack of guilt of an individual, with… …   Wikipedia

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