
I noun absence, dearth, deficiency, deficit, depletion, emptiness, exhaustion, exiguity, exiguousness, falling short, fewness, inadequacy, inadequateness, incompetence, incompleteness, inopia, lack, meagerness, need, not enough, paucity, penuria, scantiness, scantness, scarcity, short fall, short measure, short supply, shortage, shortcoming, sparseness, stint, too few, want associated concepts: insufficiency of evidence, insufficiency of law to support a verdict II index abortion (fiasco), dearth, defect, deficiency, deficit, delinquency (shortage), detriment, disability (physical inability), disadvantage, disqualification (factor that disqualifies), failure (falling short), fault (weakness), handicap, immateriality, impotence, inability, incompetence, indigence, inefficacy, market (demand), need (deprivation), paucity, privation

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

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  • Insufficiency — In suf*fi cien*cy, n. [L. insufficientia: cf. F. insuffisance, whence OE. insuffisance. See {Insufficient}.] [1913 Webster] 1. The quality or state of being insufficient; lack of sufficiency; deficiency; inadequateness; as, the insufficiency of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • insufficiency — (n.) 1520s, from L.L. insufficientia, noun of quality from insufficientem (see INSUFFICIENT (Cf. insufficient)). Insufficience deficiency is from early 15c …   Etymology dictionary

  • insufficiency — [in΄sə fish′ənsin΄sə fish′ən sē] n. pl. insufficiencies [LL insufficientia] 1. lack of sufficiency; deficiency; inadequacy: also Rare insufficience [in΄sə fish′əns] 2. inability or failure of an organ or tissue to perform its normal function:… …   English World dictionary

  • Insufficiency — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Insufficiency >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 insufficiency insufficiency Sgm: N 1 inadequacy inadequacy inadequateness Sgm: N 1 incompetence incompetence &c.(impotence) 158 Sgm: N 1 deficiency deficiency… …   English dictionary for students

  • insufficiency — noun (plural cies) Date: 1526 1. the quality or state of being insufficient: as a. lack of mental or moral fitness ; incompetence < the insufficiency of this person for public office > b. lack of adequate supply < insufficiency of provisions > c …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • insufficiency — Lack of completeness of function or power. SEE ALSO: incompetence. [L. in , neg. + sufficientia, fr. sufficio to suffice] accommodative i. a lack of appropriate accommodation for near focus. acute adrenocortical i. severe adrenocortical i. when… …   Medical dictionary

  • insufficiency — /in seuh fish euhn see/, n., pl. insufficiencies for 2. 1. deficiency in amount, force, power, competence, or fitness; inadequacy: insufficiency of supplies. 2. an instance of this. 3. inability of an organ or other part of the body to function… …   Universalium

  • insufficiency — noun The lack of sufficiency; the shortage or inadequacy of. The troops went hungry because of the insufficiency of their supplies …   Wiktionary

  • insufficiency — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Lack of necessary amount Nouns 1. insufficiency; inadequacy, inadequateness; incompetence, impotence; deficiency, incompleteness, imperfection, shortcoming, emptiness, poorness, depletion, vacancy,… …   English dictionary for students

  • insufficiency — insufficient ► ADJECTIVE ▪ not enough. DERIVATIVES insufficiency noun insufficiently adverb …   English terms dictionary

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