
in·vade vt in·vad·ed, in·vad·ing
1: to encroach upon: infringe
invading a constitutional right
2: to make payments out of (a fund from which payments are not ordinarily made)
authorized the trustee to invade the principal for educational expenses

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I verb aggress, arrogate, assail, assault, attack, break in, encroach, enter hostilely, impinge, incurrere, incursionem, infringe, intrude, invadere, obtrude, overrun, overtake, penetrate, raid, run over, trespass, usurp, violate associated concepts: invade the corpus of a trust, invade the province of the jury, invasion of privacy, invasion of property rights, invasion of rights II index accroach, assail, attack, break (violate), despoil, encroach, enter (penetrate), force (break), harry (plunder), impinge, impose (intrude), infringe, interfere, intrude, obtrude, occupy (take possession), overlap, overstep, pervade, preempt, trespass, violate

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

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  • Invade — In*vade , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Invaded}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Invading}.] [L. invadere, invasum; pref. in in + vadere to go, akin to E. wade: cf. OF. invader, F. envahir. See {Wade}.] [1913 Webster] 1. To go into or upon; to pass within the confines… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • invade — (v.) late 15c., from M.Fr. invader to invade, and directly from L. invadere to go into, enter upon; assail, assault, attack (see INVASION (Cf. invasion)). Related: invaded; invading …   Etymology dictionary

  • invade — [in vād′] vt. invaded, invading [ME invaden < L invadere < in , in + vadere, to come, go: see WADE] 1. to enter forcibly or hostilely; come into as an enemy 2. to crowd into; throng [tourists invading the beaches] 3. to intrude upon;… …   English World dictionary

  • Invade — In*vade , v. i. To make an invasion. Brougham. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • invade — encroach, *trespass, entrench, infringe Analogous words: intrude, obtrude, butt in, interlope: *enter, penetrate, pierce, probe: *permeate, pervade, impenetrate, interpenetrate …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • invade — [v] attack and encroach access, assail, assault, breach, burglarize, burst in, crash, descend upon, entrench, fall on, foray, go in, infect, infest, infringe, inroad, interfere, loot, make inroads*, maraud, meddle, muscle in*, occupy, overrun,… …   New thesaurus

  • invade — ► VERB 1) enter (a country) as or with an army so as to subjugate or occupy it. 2) enter in large numbers, especially intrusively. 3) (of a parasite or disease) attack and spread into (an organism or bodily part). 4) encroach on: his privacy was… …   English terms dictionary

  • invade — invadable, adj. invader, n. /in vayd /, v., invaded, invading. v.t. 1. to enter forcefully as an enemy; go into with hostile intent: Germany invaded Poland in 1939. 2. to enter like an enemy: Locusts invaded the fields. 3. to enter as if to take… …   Universalium

  • invade */ — UK [ɪnˈveɪd] / US verb Word forms invade : present tense I/you/we/they invade he/she/it invades present participle invading past tense invaded past participle invaded 1) [intransitive/transitive] to take or send an army into another country in… …   English dictionary

  • invade — in•vade [[t]ɪnˈveɪd[/t]] v. vad•ed, vad•ing 1) to enter forcefully as an enemy; go into with hostile intent 2) to enter as if to take possession: to invade a neighbor s home[/ex] 3) to enter and affect injuriously or destructively: viruses that… …   From formal English to slang

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