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  • invective — [ ɛ̃vɛktiv ] n. f. • 1404; bas lat. invectivae (orationes) « (discours) agressifs », de invehi « attaquer » ♦ Parole ou suite de paroles violentes contre qqn ou qqch. ⇒ injure, insulte. Se répandre en invectives contre qqn. Invectives contre les… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • inveigh — intransitive verb Etymology: Latin invehi to attack, inveigh, passive of invehere to carry in, from in + vehere to carry more at way Date: 1529 to protest or complain bitterly or vehemently ; rail • inveigher noun …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Nerthus — (1905) by Emil Doepler. In Germanic paganism, Nerthus is a goddess associated with fertility. Nerthus is attested by Tacitus, the first century AD Roman historian, in his Germania. Various theories exist regarding the goddess and her potential… …   Wikipedia

  • Varni tribe — The Varni (Procopius), Varini (Tacitus), Varinnae (Pliny the Elder), Wærne/Werne (Widsith) and Warnii (the Thuringian Law) probably refer to a little known Germanic tribe. The name would have meant the defenders , and they may have originated in… …   Wikipedia

  • Reudigni — The Reudigni were one of the Nerthus worshipping Germanic tribes mentioned by Tacitus in Germania . Schütte [] suggests that the name should be read Rendingi or Randingi and then the name would be… …   Wikipedia

  • Auiones — The Aviones or Auiones (* Awioniz meaning island people ) were one of the Nerthus worshipping Germanic tribes mentioned by Tacitus in Germania , and this tribe probably lived on Öland (Kendrick 1930:71). Tacitus wrote of the group as defended by… …   Wikipedia

  • Suarines — The Suarines (or Suardones) were one of the Nerthus worshipping Germanic tribes mentioned by Tacitus in Germania . They have otherwise been lost to history, but Schütte [] suggests that their name… …   Wikipedia

  • Nuithones — The Nuithones were one of the Nerthus worshipping Germanic tribes mentioned by Tacitus in Germania. Schütte [3] remarks that the name is probably corrupt and suggests that the correct forms were Teutones or Euthiones (Jutes). (Original Latin)… …   Wikipedia

  • Nerthus — ist eine Gottheit der germanischen Mythologie, die gelegentlich mit dem eddischen Njörd identifiziert wird. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Darstellung bei Tacitus 2 Verbindung zu Njörd 3 Siehe auch …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • invective — invectively, adv. invectiveness, n. /in vek tiv/, n. 1. vehement or violent denunciation, censure, or reproach. 2. a railing accusation; vituperation. 3. an insulting or abusive word or expression. adj. 4. vituperative; denunciatory; censoriously …   Universalium

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