- investments
capital, finance, personalty, portfolio, property (possessions)
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006
Investments House Co. LLC — INVESTMENTS HOUSE LLC Investments House LLC, established in 2006, is a family office headquartered in Dubai with a focus on investing in GCC real estate. Investments House has also made a number of principal investments into Islamic financial… … Wikipedia
investments authority — department of the National Treasury that encourages foreign investments … English contemporary dictionary
Investments and advances to unconsolidated affiliates — The balance sheet account representing the cost of investments and advances to unconsolidated affiliates. Generally, affiliates that are less than 50 percent owned by a company may not be consolidated into the company s financial statements.… … Energy terms
Investments — As a discipline, the study of financial securities, such as stocks and bonds, from the investor s viewpoint. This area deals with the firm s financing decision, but from the other side of the transaction. The New York Times Financial Glossary … Financial and business terms
investments — As a discipline, the study of financial securities, such as stocks and bonds, from the investor s viewpoint. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms
investments — in·vest·ment || ɪn vestmÉ™nt n. expenditure of money or effort for future benefits; blockade, siege; cover as if with a garment; empowerment, authorization; install in an office, instate … English contemporary dictionary
INVESTMENTS — … Useful english dictionary
first-class investments — Investments permissible for the employment of trust funds. Investments producing income consistent with safety of the principal. 54 Am J1st Trusts § 371. Investments which require little or no personal care or supervision in order to avoid loss.… … Ballentine's law dictionary
ethical investments — Investments that are made in companies that make a positive contribution to the world and are kind to the environment. Most ethical investments are made through a managed investment fund such as a unit trust or pension fund, as it is difficult… … Financial and business terms
tax-efficient investments — Investments that have less of a tax consequence than other investments … Financial and business terms