judicial pronouncement
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judicial determination — I noun action, award, court resolution, courts finding, declaration, decree, decretal, findings of fact and conclusions of law, holding, opinion judgment, judicial fiat, judicial pronouncement, order, order of the court, pronouncement, ruling,… … Law dictionary
Judicial activism — is a pejorative term for the misuse of judicial power and is a neologism for the older classical term board judicial review . The most common connotation is subjective, in which the speaker condemns judicial decisions that, in the view of the… … Wikipedia
pronouncement — I noun affirmation, announcement, annunciation, assertion, asseveration, authoritative statement, averment, comment, decision, declaration, decree, deliverance, dictum, edict, enunciation, expression, fiat, formal statement, imperative, judgment … Law dictionary
judicial act — An act which involves exercise of discretion or judgment. It is also defined as an act by court or magistrate touching rights of parties or property brought before it or him by voluntary appearance, or by prior action of ministerial officers. An… … Black's law dictionary
judicial act — An act which involves exercise of discretion or judgment. It is also defined as an act by court or magistrate touching rights of parties or property brought before it or him by voluntary appearance, or by prior action of ministerial officers. An… … Black's law dictionary
AUTONOMY, JUDICIAL — AUTONOMY, JUDICIAL, the right granted to Jews under non Jewish rule to administer justice and to execute judgment according to their own law and by their own judges. The practical administration of justice in the Jewish society of the Diaspora… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Absolution — • The remission of sin, or of the punishment due to sin, granted by the Church Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Absolution Absolution … Catholic encyclopedia
ruling — rul·ing n: an official or authoritative determination, decree, statement, or interpretation (as by a judge on a question of law) followed a previous ruling on the same question see also revenue ruling compare decision, disposition … Law dictionary
Fundamental Rights in India — The Fundamental Rights in India enshrined in the Part III of the Constitution of India guarantee civil liberties such that all Indians can lead their lives in peace and harmony as citizens of India. These include individual rights common to most… … Wikipedia
religion — religionless, adj. /ri lij euhn/, n. 1. a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, esp. when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and… … Universalium