keep accounts

keep accounts
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  • keep accounts — record money received and spent, record business dealings …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Accounts — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Accounts >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 accounts accounts accompts| =>! Sgm: N 1 commercial arithmetic commercial arithmetic monetary arithmetic Sgm: N 1 statistics statistics &c.(numeration) 85 Sgm: N 1 money matters …   English dictionary for students

  • accounts — n. books 1) to keep accounts record of transactions 2) accounts payable; receivable differences 3) to settle, square accounts * * * square accounts accounts receivable ( books ) to keep accounts [ differences ] to settle accounts [ record of… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • Keep — (k[=e]p), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Kept} (k[e^]pt); p. pr. & vb. n. {Keeping}.] [OE. k[=e]pen, AS. c[=e]pan to keep, regard, desire, await, take, betake; cf. AS. copenere lover, OE. copnien to desire.] 1. To care; to desire. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] I… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • keep — [kēp] vt. kept, keeping [ME kepen < OE cœpan, to behold, watch out for, lay hold of, akin to MLowG kapen, ON kopa, to stare at < ? IE base * ĝab , to look at or for] 1. to observe or pay regard to; specif., a) to observe with due or… …   English World dictionary

  • Keep the Widow Waking — is a lost Jacobean play, significant chiefly for the light it throws on the complexities of collaborative authorship in English Renaissance drama. A Late Murder of the Son Upon the Mother, or Keep the Widow Waking was a tragedy licensed by the… …   Wikipedia

  • keep — v. & n. v. (past and past part. kept) 1 tr. have continuous charge of; retain possession of. 2 tr. (foll. by for) retain or reserve for a future occasion or time (will keep it for tomorrow). 3 tr. & intr. retain or remain in a specified condition …   Useful english dictionary

  • Accounts Receivable Aging — A periodic report that categorizes a company s accounts receivable according to the length of time an invoice has been outstanding. Accounts receivable aging is a critical management tool as well as an analytic tool that helps determine the… …   Investment dictionary

  • Accounts Uncollectible — Loans, receivables or other debts that have virtually no chance of being paid. An account may become uncollectible for many reasons, including the debtor s bankruptcy, an inability to find the debtor, lack of proper documentation, etc. Before an… …   Investment dictionary

  • keep books — Synonyms and related words: balance, balance the books, book, capitalize, carry, carry over, cast up accounts, charge off, close out, close the books, credit, debit, docket, enter, journalize, log, make an entry, minute, note, post, post up,… …   Moby Thesaurus

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