pathfinder admission document — A preliminary offering document or draft admission document which is used to assess the level of demand from potential investors for the shares on offer. The pathfinder must contain all the information required by the AIM Rules (AIM Rules for… … Law dictionary
admission — temporaire. Admission of goods into country duty free for processing and eventual export. Bail. The order of a competent court or magistrate that a person accused of crime be discharged from actual custody upon the taking of bail. Evidence.… … Black's law dictionary
admission — temporaire. Admission of goods into country duty free for processing and eventual export. Bail. The order of a competent court or magistrate that a person accused of crime be discharged from actual custody upon the taking of bail. Evidence.… … Black's law dictionary
Admission to the bar in the United States — For information on individual state bars, see state bar association. Legal education in the United States … Wikipedia
Admission sur le territoire français au titre de l’asile — Droit d asile en France Introduction Droit des étrangers (France) … Wikipédia en Français
Instruction Concerning the Criteria for the Discernment of Vocations with regard to Persons with Homosexual Tendencies in view of their Admission to the Seminary and to Holy Orders — is a document published in November 2005 by the Congregation for Catholic Education, one of the top level offices of the Catholic Church. Contents 1 Commentary and implications 2 Reactions to the document … Wikipedia
Refus d’admission au titre de l'asile — Droit d asile en France Introduction Droit des étrangers (France) … Wikipédia en Français
Ticket (admission) — For other uses, see Ticket (disambiguation). German admission ticket for Würzburg Residence (2010) … Wikipedia
Hawaii Admission Act — The Admission Act, formally An Act to Provide for the Admission of the State of Hawaii into the Union (USPL|86|3, enacted 1959 03 18) is a statute enacted by the United States Congress and signed by President of the United States Dwight… … Wikipedia
Damascus Document — or Zadokite Fragments Document associated with the ancient Jewish community at Qumrān. The group had fled to the desert during Antiochus IV Epiphanes s persecutions (175–164/163 BC). The document must predate the revolt of AD 66–70, which forced… … Universalium