late bra
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bra — ad·um·bra·tion; adum·bra·tive; Air·bra·sive; al·ge·bra·ic; al·ge·bra·ist; al·ge·bra·i·za·tion; al·ge·bra·ize; alum·bra·do; an·te·bra·chi·um; bra; bra·bant; bra·ce·ro; bra·chid·i·um; bra·chi·o·la; bra·chis·to·cephalic; bra·chis·to·chrone;… … English syllables
late — ab·late; ab·squat·u·late; ac·cep·ti·late; ac·e·tab·u·late; acet·y·late; ace·tyl·sa·lic·y·late; acic·u·late; acid·u·late; ac·ry·late; ac·u·le·o·late; ac·u·min·u·late; ad·stip·u·late; ad·u·late; al·ve·o·late; am·bu·late; am·pul·late;… … English syllables
bra|chyl|o|gy — «bruh KIHL uh jee», noun, plural gies. 1. conciseness. 2. a condensed form of expression. ╂[< Late Latin brachylogia, ultimately < Greek brachýs short + lógos speech] … Useful english dictionary
Bra Boys — The Bra Boys are an Australian surfing group in Sydney s East. The group is centered on the Sydney suburb of Maroubra.The group began as a small surf club in the 1960s.Fact|date=February 2007 The group is named after the suburb Maroubra and not… … Wikipedia
bra — n British best friend. The word has been popular among younger speakers since the late 1990s. Bessie is a synonym … Contemporary slang
Madonna on Late Show with David Letterman — When Madonna appeared on Late Show with David Letterman on March 31, 1994, her coarse language, including thirteen uses of the word fuck , made the episode the most censored in American network television talk show history; it also resulted in… … Wikipedia
He|bra|ic — «hih BRAY ihk», adjective. of or having to do with the Hebrews, their language, or their culture; Hebrew. SYNONYM(S): Judaic. ╂[< Late Lan Hebraicus < Greek Hebraïkós < stem Hebrai , as in Hebraîos Hebrew] … Useful english dictionary
lu|cu|bra|tion — «LOO kyuh BRAY shuhn», noun. 1. laborious study: Absolute measure, which always inspired the lucubrations of the Greeks, was never popular in Greek trade (Atlantic). 2. a learned or carefully written production, especially one that is labored and … Useful english dictionary
latebra — late·bra … English syllables
stebèr — brà tudi stèber bra [tǝb] m (ǝ̏ ȁ; ǝ̀) 1. podolgovat, pokončen, navadno večji gradbeni element, ki kaj nosi: postaviti, sezidati steber; streho so naslonili na stebre; betonski, lesen, železen steber; okrogel, štirioglat steber; vitki stebri iz… … Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika