
Mini-applications, each designed to perform a limited function but, in theory, written to a common standard so that they can be combined together to provide more complex functionality. Small applets are easily downloaded over the web: the animation which appears on many websites may be produced by applets, temporarily downloaded to, and running on, the user's machine.

Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of UK, US and international legal terms. . 2010.

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  • applets — n. (Computers) small application designed to perform a very specific function; small Java application that can be sent to a user from a World Wide Web site and run within a Java enabled Web browser …   English contemporary dictionary

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  • List of Control Panel applets (Windows) — The applets listed below are components of the Microsoft Windows control panel, which allows user to define a range of settings for their computer, monitor the status of devices such as printers and modems, and set up new hardware, programs and… …   Wikipedia

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  • Java applet — A Java applet is an applet delivered in the form of Java bytecode. Java applets can run in a Web browser using a Java Virtual Machine (JVM), or in Sun s AppletViewer, a stand alone tool for testing applets. Java applets were introduced in the… …   Wikipedia

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  • Java Applet — Ein Java Applet ist ein Computerprogramm, das in der Programmiersprache Java verfasst wurde und normalerweise in einem Webbrowser ausgeführt wird. Sie wurden eingeführt, um Programme in Webseiten ablaufen lassen zu können, die im Webbrowser (auf… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • Java-Applet — Ein Java Applet ist ein Computerprogramm, das in der Programmiersprache Java verfasst wurde und normalerweise in einem Webbrowser ausgeführt wird. Sie wurden eingeführt, um Programme in Webseiten ablaufen lassen zu können, die im Webbrowser (auf… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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