lay odds
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lay odds — To offer a bet at favourable odds ● odd * * * lay (or give) odds offer a bet with odds favorable to the other bettor ■ figurative be very sure about something I d lay odds that the person responsible is an insider … Useful english dictionary
lay odds — ► lay (or give) odds offer a bet with odds favourable to the other better. Main Entry: ↑odds … English terms dictionary
I'd lay odds on something — I’d lay money/odds/a bet/on something british phrase used for saying that you are very confident that something will happen I’d lay money on New Zealand to win the race. lay money/odds (that): I’ll lay odds she doesn’t come. Thesaurus: ways of… … Useful english dictionary
odds — ► PLURAL NOUN 1) the ratio between the amounts staked by the parties to a bet, based on the expected probability either way. 2) (the odds) the chances of something happening or being the case. 3) (the odds) the balance of advantage; superiority… … English terms dictionary
lay — [leɪ] verb laid PTandPP lay somebody → off phrasal verb [transitive] HUMAN RESOURCES to stop employing a worker, usually when there is not enough work for them to do: • The group plans to lay off 10% of its workforce. see also … Financial and business terms
lay — I UK [leɪ] / US verb Word forms lay : present tense I/you/we/they lay he/she/it lays present participle laying past tense laid UK [leɪd] / US past participle laid *** Collocations: Lay means to put something in a particular place or position: I… … English dictionary
odds — n. allowance designed to equalize a bettor s chances 1) to give, lay odds 2) to accept, take odds 3) to buck ( oppose ) the odds disadvantages 4) to beat the odds 5) considerable, formidable, great, heavy, hopeless, long. overwhelming odds 6)… … Combinatory dictionary
odds — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ considerable, great, impossible, incredible, insurmountable, overwhelming, terrible ▪ She struggled against terrible odds to overcome her illness … Collocations dictionary
lay — I [[t]le͟ɪ[/t]] VERB AND NOUN USES ♦♦ lays, laying, laid (In standard English, the form lay is also the past tense of the verb in some meanings. In informal English, people sometimes use the word lay instead of … English dictionary
lay — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) adj. secular, noncleric, nonprofessional. v. t. put, place, deposit; allay, suppress; wager, bet; impose; impute, ascribe; present. n. ballad, song (see music). See location, relief, attribution,… … English dictionary for students