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  • Legists — • Teachers of civil or Roman law, who, besides expounding sources, explaining terms, elucidating texts, summarizing the contents of chapters, etc., illustrated by cases, real or imaginary, the numerous questions and distinctions arising out of… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • legists — n. one who specializes in law (especially ancient law) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Philip IV (The Fair) —     Philip IV     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Philip IV     Surnamed Le Bel (the Fair)     King of France, b. at Fontainebleau, 1268; d. there, 29 Nov., 1314; son of Philip III and Isabel of Aragon; became king, 5 Oct. 1285, on the death of his… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Monarchomachs — The Monarchomachs (French: Monarchomaques) were originally French Huguenot theorists who opposed absolute monarchy at the end of the 16th century, known in particular for having theoretically justified tyrannicide. The term was originally a… …   Wikipedia

  • Legist — The term Legist, from the Latin lex law , literally denotes any expert or student of law.It was especially used since the Carolingian dynasty for royal councillors who advised the monarch in legal matters, and specifically helped base its… …   Wikipedia

  • Domicile — • The canon law has no independent and original theory of domicile; both the canon law and all modern civil codes borrowed this theory from the Roman law; the canon law, however, extended and perfected the Roman theory by adding thereto that of… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Inquisition — • By this term is usually meant a special ecclesiastical institutional for combating or suppressing heresy Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Inquisition     Inquisition      …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • legist — ˈlējə̇st noun ( s) Etymology: Middle French legiste, from Medieval Latin legista, from Latin leg , lex law + ista ist 1. : a specialist in law or a branch of law; especially : one learned in Roman or civil law the legists elaborated their ideas… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Accursius — Sa statue dans une des niches du piazzale des Offices Accursius (en italien Accursio ou Accorso da Bagnolo, parfois francisé en Accurse), né à Bagnolo all Impruneta (Toscane) entre 1181 et 1186, mort à Bologne entre 1259 et 1263 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Franciscus Accursius — Accursius Sa statue dans une des niches du piazzale des Offices Accursius (en italien Accursio ou Accorso da Bagnolo, parfois francisé en Accurse), né à Bagnolo all Impruneta (Toscane) entre 1181 et 1186, mort à Bologne entre 1259 et …   Wikipédia en Français

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