
I adjective accurate, authentic, careful, close, correct, exact, factual, faithful, faultless, meticulous, precise, rigid, scrupulous, strict, textual, to the letter, true, true to fact, truthful, unchanged, uncorrupted, undeviating, undistorted, unembroidered, unerring, unexaggerated, unfigurative, ungarbled, unmetaphorical, unvaried, unvarnished, veracious, verbatim, without exaggeration, word for word associated concepts: literal interpretation II index accurate, actual, authentic, exact, factual, faithful (true to fact), honest, narrow, orthodox, parochial, precise, strict, true (authentic), verbatim

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  • Literal — puede referirse a: Lo relativo a la letra (no debe confundirse con literario) Lo que se lee o reproduce al pie de la letra (completamente y con exactitud) Lenguaje literal por oposición al lenguaje figurativo (que utiliza recursos que alteran la… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Literal — may refer to:*Literal and figurative language, taken in a non figurative sense. *Literal translation, the close adherence to the forms of a source language text. *Terminal symbol in regular expressions and in descriptions of formal grammars.… …   Wikipedia

  • literal — [lit′ər əl] adj. [ME litterall < MFr litteral < LL litteralis < L littera, LETTER1] 1. of, involving, or expressed by a letter or letters of the alphabet [literal notation] 2. following or representing the exact words of the original;… …   English World dictionary

  • Literal — Lit er*al (l[i^]t [ e]r*al), a. [F. lit[ e]ral, litt[ e]ral, L. litteralis, literalis, fr. littera, litera, a letter. See {Letter}.] 1. According to the letter or verbal expression; real; not figurative or metaphorical; as, the literal meaning of …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • literal — LITERÁL, Ă, literali, e, adj. 1. Care se face, se reproduce etc. cuvânt cu cuvânt, literă cu literă; textual, exact. 2. (mat.) Care conţine mărimi notate cu litere. – Din fr. littéral, lat. litteralis. Trimis de LauraGellner, 09.11.2008. Sursa:… …   Dicționar Român

  • literal — adjetivo 1. Que es fiel a la letra del texto o a su sentido exacto y propio, y no lo interpreta: traducción literal, significado literal. 2. Que reproduce un texto o un discurso palabra por palabra: cita literal. Estas fueron sus palabras… …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

  • literal — (adj.) late 14c., taking words in their natural meaning (originally in reference to Scripture and opposed to mystical or allegorical), from O.Fr. literal and directly from L.L. literalis/litteralis of or belonging to letters or writing, from L.… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Literal — Lit er*al, n. Literal meaning. [Obs.] Sir T. Browne. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • literal — (Del lat. litterālis). 1. adj. Conforme a la letra del texto, o al sentido exacto y propio, y no lato ni figurado, de las palabras empleadas en él. 2. Dicho de una traducción: En que se vierten todas y por su orden, en cuanto es posible, las… …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • literal — adj. 2 g. 1. Da letra. 2. Conforme à letra ou ao texto. 3. Sujeito ao rigor das palavras. 4. Terminante, claro. 5.  [Matemática] Diz se das quantidades representadas por letras do alfabeto …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

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