lose luster

lose luster
index tarnish

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  • Body piercing materials — In modern Western body piercing, a wide variety of materials are used. Some cannot be autoclaved, and others are may induce allergic reactions, or harbour bacteria. Certain countries, such as those belonging to the EU, have legal regulations… …   Wikipedia

  • tarnish — tarnishable, adj. /tahr nish/, v.t. 1. to dull the luster of (a metallic surface), esp. by oxidation; discolor. 2. to diminish or destroy the purity of; stain; sully: The scandal tarnished his reputation. v.i. 3. to grow dull or discolored; lose… …   Universalium

  • disluster — dəs, (ˈ)dis+ verb Etymology: dis (I) + luster transitive verb : to deprive of luster intransitive verb : to lose luster …   Useful english dictionary

  • tar´nish|a|ble — tar|nish «TAHR nihsh», verb, noun. –v.t. 1. to dull the luster or brightness of: »Salt will tarnish silver. SYNONYM(S): blacken. 2. Figurative. to bring disgrace upon (a reputation, one s honor, or the like); sully; taint: »The expedition s… …   Useful english dictionary

  • tar|nish — «TAHR nihsh», verb, noun. –v.t. 1. to dull the luster or brightness of: »Salt will tarnish silver. SYNONYM(S): blacken. 2. Figurative. to bring disgrace upon (a reputation, one s honor, or the like); sully; taint: »The expedition s triumph was… …   Useful english dictionary

  • fade — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. pale, dim, bleach, whiten; vanish, disappear; languish, wither, shrivel. See dimness, colorlessness, nonexistence, deterioration, disappearance, weakness, transientness, oblivion. II (Roget s IV) v …   English dictionary for students

  • fade — [v1] lose color achromatize, become colorless, blanch, bleach, blench, clear, decolorize, dim, disappear, discolor, dissolve, dull, etiolate, evanish, evaporate, grow dim, lose brightness, lose luster, muddy, neutralize, pale, tarnish, tone down …   New thesaurus

  • tarnish — [tär′nish] vt. [< Fr terniss , inflectional stem of ternir, to make dim < MFr, prob. < OHG tarnjan, to conceal < tarni, hidden] 1. to dull the luster of or discolor the surface of (a metal) as by exposure to air 2. a) to besmirch or… …   English World dictionary

  • fade — verb 1) the paintwork has faded Syn: become pale, become bleached, become washed out, lose color, discolor; grow dull, grow dim, lose luster Ant: brighten 2) sunlight had faded the picture Syn …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • pale — I adj 1. colorless, hueless, toneless, uncol ored, achromic, achromous, achromatic; drab, dreary, flat, mat, lusterless, lackluster; bleached, blanched, washed out, etiolated; wan, pallid, Obs. blate, pale faced, anemic, sickly; waxen, sallow,… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

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