
I noun additive, benefit, boni, boon, bounty, dividend, donation, extra, gift, gratuity, honorarium, incentive, perquisites, pourboire, premium, prime, reward, something over and above, surplus, surplusage, tip associated concepts: bonus stock II index benefit (conferment), bounty, commission (fee), contribution (donation), gratuity (present), largess (gift), perquisite, premium (excess value), prize, reward III index sterling IV index surplus, tip (gratuity)

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

A variable annual incentive, paid in cash, shares or a combination of both, where the amount earned relates to performance measured over one year or less.
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Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of UK, US and international legal terms. . 2010.

1 Wages paid in addition to the compensation ordinarily given or required under an employment contract. A bonus is payment for services (such as for recognition of exceptional work performance) or on consideration, and is neither gift nor gratuity.
2 Anything given or provided for free in addition to what is usual, agreed to, or legally due.

Webster's New World Law Dictionary. . 2000.

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  • bonus — bo‧nus [ˈbəʊnəs ǁ ˈboʊ ] noun [countable] 1. HUMAN RESOURCES an extra amount of money added to an employee s wages, usually as a reward for doing difficult or good work: • The bonus is discretionary but linked to performance. • The car company is …   Financial and business terms

  • bonus — [ bɔnys ] n. m. • 1930; lat. bonus « bon » 1 ♦ Gratification accordée par un employeur sur le salaire d un employé. ⇒ 2. prime. 2 ♦ (1970) Réduction sur le montant d une prime d assurance automobile, accordée au conducteur qui n a pas eu d… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • bonus — bónus (bȏnus) m DEFINICIJA 1. popust na premiju osiguranja, odnosno sniženje premijske stope za postignuti povoljni odnos između plaćene premije i isplaćenih šteta nekom konkretnom osiguraniku 2. općenito, posebni dodatak na plaću, isplata iznad… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • bonus — 1773, Stock Exchange Latin [Weekley], from L. bonus good (adj.); see BENE (Cf. bene ). The correct noun form would be bonum. In U.S. history the bonus army was tens of thousands of World War I veterans and followers who marched on Washington, D.C …   Etymology dictionary

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