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lawful permanent resident — (LPR) A non U.S. citizen who has been given permission to make a permanent home (and work) in the United States. Permanent residents are given green cards (not really green) to prove their status. U.S. permanent residents may travel as much as… … Law dictionary
Make Money Fast — Dave Rhodes redirects here. For other uses, see David Rhodes. MAKE.MONEY.FAST is a title of an electronically forwarded chain letter which became so infamous that the term is now used to describe all sorts of chain letters forwarded over the… … Wikipedia
make over — {v.} 1. To change by law something from one owner to another owner; change the name on the title (lawful paper) from one owner to another. * /Mr. Brown made over the title to the car to Mr. Jones./ 2. To make something look different; change the… … Dictionary of American idioms
make over — {v.} 1. To change by law something from one owner to another owner; change the name on the title (lawful paper) from one owner to another. * /Mr. Brown made over the title to the car to Mr. Jones./ 2. To make something look different; change the… … Dictionary of American idioms
make\ over — v 1. To change by law something from one owner to another owner; change the name on the title (lawful paper) from one owner to another. Mr. Brown made over the title to the car to Mr. Jones. 2. To make something look different; change the style… … Словарь американских идиом
lawful man — A freeman; a man who could make oath and testify as a witness; a man who had not been outlawed or attainted … Ballentine's law dictionary
legitimate — le·git·i·mate 1 /lə ji tə mət/ adj [Medieval Latin legitimatus, past participle of legitimare to give legal status to, from Latin legitimus legally sanctioned, from leg , lex law] 1: conceived or born of parents lawfully married to each other or… … Law dictionary
legitimate — le•git•i•mate adj., n. [[t]lɪˈdʒɪt ə mɪt[/t]] v. [[t] ˌmeɪt[/t]] adj. v. mat•ed, mat•ing, n. 1) according to law; lawful: the property s legitimate owner[/ex] 2) in accordance with established rules, principles, or standards 3) born of legally… … From formal English to slang
legitimate — legitimately, adv. legitimateness, n. legitimation, n. adj., n. /li jit euh mit/; v. /li jit euh mayt /, adj., v., legitimated, legitimating, n. adj. 1. according to law; lawful: the property s legitimate owner … Universalium
legitimate — adjective /ləˈdʒɪtəmət / (say luh jituhmuht) 1. according to law; lawful. 2. in accordance with established rules, principles, or standards. 3. of the normal or regular type or kind. 4. in accordance with the laws of reasoning; logically… …