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  • ПЕРЧАТКИ —    • Manĭcae,        1. перчатки, см. Vestimenta, Одежда, 11;        2. наручни, см. Vincula, Оковы …   Реальный словарь классических древностей

  • Manica (Waffe) — Manica (lateinisch: „langer Ärmel“) bezeichnet im Zusammenhang mit römischen Gladiatoren einen Armschutz von der Schulter bis einschließlich der Hand. Auf einigen wenigen Abbildungen sind auch römische Soldaten dargestellt, die manicae trugen.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Manica (armguard) — Reenactment of a second century Roman legionary wearing a manica over his right arm. The Latin word manica means a sleeve.[1] A manica was a type of iron or bronze arm guard, with curved and overlapping metal segments or plates, fastened to… …   Wikipedia

  • MANICA — a MANIBUS dicta, sive arma intelligas, conser vandis manibus destinata, inter pugnandum: sive vincula, quae manibus iniciuntur: sive denique tegmina, quibus adversus vim frigoris homines muniri solent. In tunicis Manicae olim, utpote mulierum ac… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • manacle — I. noun Etymology: Middle English manicle, from Anglo French, from Latin manicula handle, diminutive of manicae shackles, armor for the hand, from manus hand more at manual Date: 14th century 1. a shackle for the hand or wrist ; handcuff usually… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Secutor — A Secutor ( pl. Secutores) was a class of gladiator in ancient Rome.Thought to have originated around 50 AD, the Secutor ( chaser ) was armed similarly to the Murmillo gladiator, usually with a gladius or a dagger. The Secutor was specially… …   Wikipedia

  • Muff (handwarmer) — Woman with a Muff by Berthe Morisot A muff is a fashion accessory for outdoors usually made of a cylinder of fur or fabric with both ends open for keeping the hands warm. It was introduced to women s fashion in the 16th century and was popular… …   Wikipedia

  • Тюрьма у древних греков и римлян — 1) Т. у древних греков носила в разных местах различные наименования: афиняне называли ее δεσμωτήριον (от δέω связываю) или (эвфемистически) οϊκήμα или άναγκαϊον (принудительное помещение). Из того, что в сочинениях аттических писателей слово… …   Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона

  • Kataphrakt — Schwer gepanzerter sassanidischer Reiter, sogenannter „Clibanarius“ (Relief von Taq e Bostan im Iran) …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Pertinax — Emperador de Roma Grabado del emperador Pertinax. Reinado 31 de diciembre de 192 28 de marzo de 193 …   Wikipedia Español

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