- mental acuteness
intellect, intelligence (intellect)
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006
acuteness — index caliber (mental capacity), discretion (quality of being discreet), discrimination (good judgment), insight, judgment ( … Law dictionary
subtle — subtleness, n. subtly, adv. /sut l/, adj., subtler, subtlest. 1. thin, tenuous, or rarefied, as a fluid or an odor. 2. fine or delicate in meaning or intent; difficult to perceive or understand: subtle irony. 3. delicate or faint and mysterious:… … Universalium
acumen — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. discernment, shrewdness, penetration; intelligence.Ant., dullness, obtuseness. II (Roget s IV) n. Syn. keenness, insight, penetration, perspicacity, percipience, discernment, sharpness, acuteness,… … English dictionary for students
subtle — /ˈsʌtl / (say sutl) adjective 1. thin, tenuous, or rarefied, as a fluid, scent, etc. 2. fine or delicate, often when likely to elude perception or understanding: subtle irony. 3. delicate or faint and mysterious: a subtle smile. 4. requiring… …
intellect — I noun ability to perceive, ability to reason, ability to understand, brain, brilliance, cerebration, cognition, cognitive faculty, comprehension, genius, intellectual powers, intellectuality, intellegentia, intelligence, mens, mental ability,… … Law dictionary
intelligence — I (intellect) noun acumen, aptitude, astuteness, brains, brilliance, cleverness, cognition, cognitive faculty, comprehension, genius, insight, intellectional faculty, intellectual power, intellectuality, intellegentia, keenness, mens, mental… … Law dictionary
Minnesota Twin Family Study — The Minnesota Twin Family Study (or MTFS) is a longitudinal study of twins conducted by researchers at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities. It seeks to identify the genetic and environmental influences on the development of psychological… … Wikipedia
acumen — I noun acuity, astuteness, caliber, cleverness, common sense, comprehension, discernment, discretion, discrimination, foresightedness, ingenuity, insight, intelligence, intuition, judgment, keenness, mental acuteness, mental capacity, perception … Law dictionary
wit — n 1 intelligence, brain, *mind, intellect, soul, psyche Analogous words: *reason, understanding, intuition: comprehension, apprehension (see under APPREHEND): sagaciousness or sagacity, perspicaciousness or perspicacity (see corresponding… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
vision — [vizh′ən] n. [OFr < L visio < visus, pp. of videre, to see < IE * w(e)idē, var. of * w(e)di , to view, see > WISE1] 1. the act or power of seeing with the eye; sense of sight 2. a) something seen by other than normal sight; something… … English World dictionary