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Minim — may refer to: Minim (music), a note length, another name for a half note (which usually gets two beats) MINIM (band), an industrial rock band from Spain Minim (unit), an amount of fluid Minim (religious order), a member of a religious order… … Wikipedia
minim — [min′im] n. [ME mynym (in MINIM sense 3) < L minimus, least: see MINIMUM] 1. the smallest unit of liquid measure, equal to 1/ 60 fluid dram or about half a drop (0.0616 milliliter): the British and Canadian imperial minim equals 1/ 60 of an… … English World dictionary
Minim — Min im, a. Minute. Minim forms. J. R. Drake. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Minim — Min im, n. [F. minime, L. minimus the least, smallest, a superl. of minor: cf. It. minima a note in music. See {Minor}, and cf. Minimum.] [1913 Webster] 1. Anything very minute; as, the minims of existence; applied to animalcula; and the like.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Minim — (engl., spr. minnim). kleinstes Maß in britischen Apotheken, 60 fluid m. im fluid dram von 3,57 ccm … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
minim — англ. [ми/ним] minima ит. [ми/нима] 1/2 нота … Словарь иностранных музыкальных терминов
minim — (n.) mid 15c., in music, from L. minimus smallest, least; minute, trifling, insignificant; of time, least, shortest, very short; of age, youngest; as a noun, least price, lowest price (see MINIMUM (Cf. minimum)). Calligraphy sense is from c.1600 … Etymology dictionary
minim — ► NOUN 1) Music, chiefly Brit. a note having the time value of two crotchets or half a semibreve, represented by a ring with a stem. 2) one sixtieth of a fluid drachm, about one drop of liquid. ORIGIN from Latin minimus smallest … English terms dictionary
Minim — à ne pas confondre avec le peuple de ce nom Les minim (hébreu mishnaïque : מינים « Minéens ») sont, dans la littérature rabbinique, des Juifs hétérodoxes, hérétiques, séditieux ou dissidents. Le terme désigne selon l’époque… … Wikipédia en Français
Minim — Para el grupo de música rock, véase MINIM. Un minim (conocido también como minimum) es una medida de volumen utilizada para indicar el contenido de algunos recipientes. Ésta es la unidad más diminuta del sistema anglosajón de unidades. El minim… … Wikipedia Español