misemploy funds

misemploy funds
index defalcate

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

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  • defalcate — de·fal·cate /di fal ˌkāt, fȯl , dē ; de fəl ˌkāt/ vi cat·ed, cat·ing: to commit defalcation compare embezzle de·fal·ca·tor / ˌkā tər/ n Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 …   Law dictionary

  • divert — di·vert /də vərt, dī / vt 1: to turn from one course or use to another funds illegally divert ed 2: to place (a defendant) under a diversion di·vert·er n Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law …   Law dictionary

  • misuse — I noun abuse, degradation, erroneous use, ill treatment, ill usage, ill use, improper usage, improper use, incorrect usage, incorrect use, maladministration, malpractice, maltreatment, misapplication, misappropriation, misemployment, mishandling …   Law dictionary

  • misapply — mis·ap·ply /ˌmi sə plī/ vt plied, ply·ing: to misuse or spend (as public money) without proper authority; specif: to willfully and unlawfully convert (bank funds) for the use, benefit, or gain of oneself or a third party esp. through one s… …   Law dictionary

  • misuse — 1. verb 1) misusing public funds Syn: put to wrong use, misemploy, embezzle, use fraudulently; abuse, squander, waste 2) she had been misused by her husband See mistreat 2. noun 1) a misuse of company assets …   Thesaurus of popular words

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