
claim n [Old French, from clamer to call, claim, from Latin clamare to shout, proclaim]
1 a: a demand for something (as money) due or believed to be due; specif: a demand for a benefit (as under the workers' compensation law) or contractual payment (as under an insurance policy)
b: a paper embodying such a demand
filing a claim with the court
2: a title to something (as a debt or privilege) in the possession of another
assigned her claim to the proceeds
3 a: a right to seek a judicial remedy arising from a wrong or injury suffered
a plaintiff who has been injured in an accident claim for a broken arm, another for a ruptured spleen, and so forth — J. H. Friedenthal et al.; also: the formal assertion of such a right
bringing a claim in the district court
a plaintiff stated a claim against a seller of applesauce when she alleged that her children...ate the applesauce...and were then so discomforted that they had to have their stomachs pumped — J. J. White and R. S. Summers see also res judicata
◇ A cause of action may encompass more than one claim as the term is used in sense 3a. Claim is often used to mean cause of action, however, esp. in modern federal practice.
c: a right to payment or to an equitable remedy as set forth in the Bankruptcy Code see also proof of claim
4: a formal assertion made by an applicant for a patent of the novelty and patentability of an invention with a description of the invention and its purpose
claim vt

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I (assertion) noun affirmation, allegation, asseveration, averment, avouchment, avowal, declaration, position, predication, presentation, proposition, statement associated concepts: claimed use, disputed claims, doubtful claims, false claim, fictitious claims, fraudulent claims foreign phrases:
- Debitorum pactionibus creditorum petitio nee tolli nee minui potest — The rights of creditors to sue cannot be prejudiced or diminished by agreements between their debtors
II (legal demand) noun accusation, adjuration, bill of complaint, cause of action, challenge, command, complaint, counterclaim, declaration, exaction, obsecration, plea, postulate, postulatio, presentment, requirement, suit, ultimatum associated concepts: allowed claim, claim against bankrupt estate, claim against estate, claim and demand, claim arising on contract, claim for alternative relief, claim for support, claim of a creditor, claim of interest, claim or defense notice of claim, claimed on appeal, claimed use, claims ex delicto, colorable claim, common law claim, compensation claim, conflicting claims, contingent claims, counter claim, court of claims, cross claim, disputed claims, doubtful claims, equitable claims, fictitious claims, fixed claims, fraudulent claims, frivolous claims, illegal claims, indeterminate claims, individual claim, insurance claim, just claim, lawful claim, money claim, moral claims, particular nature of claims, prior claim, proof of claim, provable claim, secured claim, settlement of claim, stale claim, subordination of claim, subsequent claims, undisputed claim, unliquidated claims, unmatured claims foreign phrases:
- Rogationes, quaestiones, et positiones debent esse simplices. — Demands, questions, and claims ought to be simple
III (right) noun beneficial interest, contingent interest, due, equitable interest, expectancy, heritage, interest, legacy, ownership, privilege, share, stake, title, vested interest associated concepts: claim of ownership, claim of right, claim of title IV (demand) verb ask for, assert as one's own, assert as one's right, declare one's right, dun, exact as due, have a right, insist upon, make demands on, petition, press, pretend, reclaim, request, require, requisition, seek as due, sue, think one deserves, vindicate a right, vindicate a title associated concepts: claim against an estate, claim and demand, claim arising from a contract, claim for relief, claim of right, claim of title, compensation claim, contingent claim, counterclaim, court of claims, fraud claim, insurance claim, money claim, ownership claim, valid claim V (maintain) verb advocate, affirm, allege, assert, asseverate, attest, aver, avouch, avow, certify, charge, contend, declare, hold, insist, make a statement, make an assertion, predicate, profess, propound, put forward, say, stand firm, state, utter with conviction, vow, warrant associated concepts: claimed use VI index adduce, allegation, allege, appeal, appropriate, argue, assert, bear (adduce), bill (formal declaration), call (demand), case (lawsuit), cause of action, certify (attest), cloud (incumbrance), contend (maintain), count, cover (pretext), declare, demand (noun), demand (verb), dominion (absolute ownership), droit, due, dun, encumbrance, equity (share of ownership), exact, excise (levy a tax), impropriate, interest (ownership), lawsuit, lien, matter (case), matter (subject), motion, need, occupy (take possession), own, ownership, plea, pleading, posit, prayer, prerogative, prescription (claim of title), pretense (pretext), pretext, profess (pretend), profession (declaration), purport, request (noun), request (verb), requirement, requisition, stake (interest), statement, sue, thesis, title (right)

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

(1) To state the truth of something; to assert.
(2) To assert ownership of or right to money or property and demand it.
(1) A demand for something that one considers one’s own.
(2) An application for compensation filed with an insurer.
(3) A cause of action, including a right enforceable by the court, an injury, and damages.

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

This term has different meanings depending on its context:
• In the context of dispute resolution, proceedings issued in a court or tribunal. Previously known as an action.
• In the context of insurance, a request for payment of a loss which may come under the terms of an insurance contract.
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+ claim
A creditor's claim in bankruptcy is either:
• A right to payment from a debtor or its property, whether or not liquidated (liquidated claim) or unliquidated, fixed or contingent, matured or unmatured, disputed or undisputed, legal or equitable, secured or unsecured.
• The right to an equitable remedy for breach of performance if such breach gives rise to a right of payment. For example, an environmental cleanup order is a claim if a money judgment is imposed to enforce the cleanup order against the debtor.
Congress intended to give "claim" an expansive definition to capture all of the debtor's legal obligations, no matter how remote or contingent, and have them resolved in the bankruptcy case (§101(5), Bankruptcy Code).

Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of UK, US and international legal terms. . 2010.

1 v. A demand for money or property.
2 n. An assertion that one is entitled to, or the perceived or actual right to receive, money or property.
3 n. The totality of facts that gives rise to a right to receive money or property that is enforceable in court.
4 n. In some states and in the federal courts, the Same as claim for relief.

Webster's New World Law Dictionary. . 2000.

To demand or assert as a right. Facts that combine to give rise to a legally enforceable right or judicial action. Demand for relief.

Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.

To demand or assert as a right. Facts that combine to give rise to a legally enforceable right or judicial action. Demand for relief.
II A debt owing by a debtor to another person or business. In probate parlance, the term used for debts of the decedent and a procedure that must be followed by a creditor to obtain payment from his estate.

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

   1) v. to make a demand for money, for property, or for enforcement of a right provided by law.
   2) n. the making of a demand (asserting a claim) for money due, for property, from damages or for enforcement of a right. If such a demand is not honored, it may result in a lawsuit. In order to enforce a right against a government agency (ranging for damages from a negligent bus driver to a shortage in payroll) a claim must be filed first. If rejected or ignored by the government, it is lawsuit time.

Law dictionary. . 2013.

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  • claim — vb *demand, exact, require Analogous words: *maintain, assert, defend, vindicate, justify: allege, *adduce, advance Antonyms: disclaim: renounce Contrasted words: disavow, disown, dis acknowledge (see affirmative verbs at ACKNOWLEDGE): reject,… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • claim — verb. There are several areas of difficulty with this word. The first concerns claim + that, and the second claim + to. The third concerns the expression to claim responsibility. 1. claim + that. In this construction, claim should not be used as… …   Modern English usage

  • Claim — Claim, n. [Of. claim cry, complaint, from clamer. See {Claim}, v. t.] 1. A demand of a right or supposed right; a calling on another for something due or supposed to be due; an assertion of a right or fact. [1913 Webster] 2. A right to claim or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • claim — [klām] vt. [ME claimen < OFr claimer, to call, claim < L clamare, to cry out: see CLAMOR] 1. to demand or ask for as rightfully belonging or due to one; assert one s right to (a title, accomplishment, etc. that should be recognized) [to… …   English World dictionary

  • Claim — may refer to: Claim (legal) Claim (patent) Land claim Proposition, a statement which is either true or false A right Sequent, in mathematics A main contention, see conclusion of law This disambiguation page lists articles associ …   Wikipedia

  • Claim — Claim, v. i. To be entitled to anything; to deduce a right or title; to have a claim. [1913 Webster] We must know how the first ruler, from whom any one claims, came by his authority. Locke. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Claim — (Englisch Behauptung, Anspruch) bezeichnet: im angelsächsischen Raum im Rechtswesen einen Anspruch im angelsächsischen Raum einen Rechtstitel auf Grundbesitz, siehe Claim (Grundbesitz) einen Begriff aus dem Marketing, siehe Claim (Werbung) als… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Claim — [kleim] der, auch das; [s], s <aus gleichbed. engl. claim zu to claim »beanspruchen«, dies über altfr. clamer »(aus)schreien« aus lat. clamare »rufen, schreien«>: 1. Anrecht, Rechtsanspruch, Patentanspruch (Rechtsw.). 2. Anteil (z. B. an… …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

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