
call 1 vt
1: to announce or recite loudly
call ed the civil trial list
2: to admit (a person) as a barrister
was call ed to the bar
3: to demand payment of esp. by formal notice
call a loan
4: to demand presentation of (as a bond or option) for redemption
◇ A security issuer may call a security only if calling it is previously provided for, as, for example, in the indenture for a bond or in the stock agreement for preferred stock. The issuer usu. pays the holder a premium for a called security.
call 2 n
1: a demand for payment of money: as
a: a notice by the U.S. Treasury to depositories to transfer part of its deposit balance to the Federal Reserve bank
b: a notice to a stockholder or subscriber to pay an assessment or an installment of subscription to capital
3 a: a formal announcement or recitation
the daily call of the motion calendar
the speaker ordered a call of the house

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I (appeal) noun address, adjuration, application, beseechment, bid, cry, earnest request, entreaty, impetration, impioration, importunity, insistent demand, instance, invocation, invocatory plea, invocatory prayer, motion, obsecration, obtestation, petition, plea, prayer, request, requirement, requisition, solemn entreaty, solicitation, suit, supplication, vox associated concepts: adjournment of a term of the court subject to call, calendar call, call contract, call prior to maturity, calls for more margin, dismissal for failure to answer a call II (option) noun alternative, choice, decision, demand made on a stock holder, discretion, discretionary order, freedom of choice, liberty of action, opportunity, requirement, requisition, right of put and call, stock agreement associated concepts: "call" option on stock or assessments, calls and assessments, "puts" and "calls" as options in a contract III (title) noun agnomen, alias, antonomasia, appellation, appellative, application, baptism, byword, caption, cognomen, cognomination, compellation, convertible terms, description, designation, epithet, eponym, expression, given name, head, indication, matronymic, name, namesake, naming, nomenclature, patronymic, praenomen, prenomen, proper name, sign, signature, sobriquet, style, surname, synonym, term, trope IV (appeal to) verb address a petition, address a request, address oneself to, adjure, appeal, apply to, ask, ask for, be a suppliant, beg a favor, beg leave, beseech, bespeak, call for aid, call for help, call upon, clamare, cry, cry to, entreat, impetrate, implore, importune, invite, invoke, make a petition, make a request, make a requisition, make appeal, make application, make bold to ask, make earnest entreaty, petition, plead for, plead with, prefer a petition, prefer a request, prefer an appeal, press, put to, put up a request, request, solicit, sue, supplicate, turn to, urge V (demand) verb ask for with authority, assert a right to, claim, claim as a right, clamor for, command, cry for, demand, deposcere, exact, flagitare, insist on, lay claim to, make a demand, make an authoritative request, make claims upon, make requisition, necessitate, oblige, order, prescribe, present an ultimatum, present one's claim, press, put in a claim for, render necessary, require, require of others, requisition, send an order for VI (summon) verb advocare, ask to come, assemble, assemble by summons, beckon, bid come, command to appear, convene, convocare, convocate, convoke, desire the presence of, gather, group, invite, invoke, issue an invitation, mobilize, muster, muster up, page, rally, request the presence of, reunite, send for, serve with a writ, subpoena, summon forth, unite associated concepts: call as a witness, call for trial, called in question, called to testify, calling the docket VII (title) verb characterize, christen, classify, define, denominate, designate, determine, dicere, differentiate, discriminate, distinguish, entitle, give a name, identify, identify by name, individualize, label, name, nominare, personalize, provide with nomenclature, specify, supply with an epithet, tag, term, vocare VIII index bespeak, charge (command), contact (communicate), convene, deem, demand, denominate, detail (assign), entreaty, identify, impetus, invitation, label, market (demand), monition (legal summons), nominate, phrase, prayer, request, requirement, requisition, subpoena

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

(1) In property law, a natural object that marks a boundary and serves as a landmark in a deed.
(2) A demand for payment.
(1) To demand payment.
(2) To redeem bonds before maturity.

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

1. a demand by a company on shareholders to pay all or part of the subscription price of the shares not already paid.
2. to admit, in the sense of a barrister being called to the Bar.

Collins dictionary of law. . 2001.

1) The demand for payment of money.
2) A request to assemble. (See also: call option)
Category: Business, LLCs & Corporations
Category: Personal Finance & Retirement

Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. . 2009.

call option, Also known as a call and a call right.
A right, but not an obligation, to acquire a specified asset (such as stock or LLC interests) at a set price (or a price to be calculated in accordance with a set formula) and during a specified period.
Related terms

Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of UK, US and international legal terms. . 2010.

1 In property law, an identifiable natural landmark that serves to delineate the boundary of land.
2 A demand for the payment of money or the delivery of a security, such as a bond, by someone entitled to make such a demand.
See also puts, calls.

Webster's New World Law Dictionary. . 2000.

To convoke or summon by public announcement; to request the appearance and participation of several people—such as a call of a jury to serve, a roll call, a call of public election, or a call of names of the members of a legislative body.
In contract law, the demand for the payment of money according to the contract terms, usually by formal notice.
As applied to corporation law, the demand of the board of directors that subscribers pay an installment or portion of the amount that is still owed on shares that they have agreed to buy.
A call price is the price paid by a corporation for the redemption of its own securities.
In securities, a contract that gives a person the right to demand payment of a certain specified number of shares of stock at a stated price or upon a fixed date.

Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.

To convoke or summon by public announcement; to request the appearance and participation of several people—such as a call of a jury to serve, a roll call, a call of public election, or a call of names of the members of a legislative body.
In contract law, the demand for the payment of money according to the contract terms, usually by formal notice.
As applied to corporation law, the demand of the board of directors that subscribers pay an installment or portion of the amount that is still owed on shares that they have agreed to buy.
A call price is the price paid by a corporation for the redemption of its own securities.
In securities, a contract that gives a person the right to demand payment of a certain specified number of shares of stock at a stated price or upon a fixed date.

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

   the demand by a corporation that a stockholder pay an installment or assessment on shares already owned.

Law dictionary. . 2013.

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  • Call — (k[add]l), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Called} (k[add]ld); p. pr. & vb. n. {Calling}] [OE. callen, AS. ceallian; akin to Icel. & Sw. kalla, Dan. kalde, D. kallen to talk, prate, OHG. kall[=o]n to call; cf. Gr. ghry ein to speak, sing, Skr. gar to praise …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • Call — Call, v. i. 1. To speak in loud voice; to cry out; to address by name; sometimes with to. [1913 Webster] You must call to the nurse. Shak. [1913 Webster] The angel of God called to Hagar. Gen. xxi. 17. [1913 Webster] 2. To make a demand,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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