common land

common land
Land that is subject to rights of common, which are rights to take or use part of something naturally produced on another person's land, for example, rights of local inhabitants to graze sheep, horses or cattle.

Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of UK, US and international legal terms. . 2010.

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  • common land — common lands N UNCOUNT: also N in pl Common land is land which everyone is allowed to use …   English dictionary

  • common land — common ,land noun uncount BRITISH land that everyone has a right to use …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • common land — common .land n [U] BrE lands that belongs to or can be used by everyone living in an area …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Common land — Modern day pannage, or common of mast, in the New Forest For other uses of commons , see Commons (disambiguation). Common land (a common) is land owned collectively or by one person, but over which other people have certain traditional rights,… …   Wikipedia

  • common land — noun a pasture subject to common use • Syn: ↑commons • Hypernyms: ↑pasture, ↑pastureland, ↑grazing land, ↑lea, ↑ley * * * noun …   Useful english dictionary

  • common land — noun a) an area of land in the United Kingdom or Ireland that is open to the public at all times and until the 18th century would have been land that was free for anybody to graze their animals on (often shortened to common). The common land up… …   Wiktionary

  • common land — n [U] (in Britain) land that belongs to or may be used by the whole community, especially in a village. Most areas of common land have been used for keeping sheep or cows on or for other purposes for many centuries. With the ‘enclosures’ of the… …   Universalium

  • Common Land Unit — A Common Land Unit (CLU) is the smallest unit of land that has a permanent, contiguous boundary, a common land cover and land management, a common owner and a common producer in agricultural land associated with USDA farm programs. CLU boundaries …   Wikipedia

  • common land — UK / US noun [uncountable] British land that everyone has a right to use …   English dictionary

  • Land-Tenure in the Christian Era — • The way in which land has been held or owned during the nineteen hundred years which have seen in Europe the rise and establishment of the Church is a matter for historical inquiry. Strictly speaking, the way in which such ownership or tenure… …   Catholic encyclopedia

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