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haeredes sui et necessarii — /hariydiyz syuway et nesaseriyay/ In Roman law, own and necessary heirs; i.e., the lineal descendants of the estate leaver. They were called necessary heirs, because it was the law that made them heirs, and not the choice of either the decedent… … Black's law dictionary
haeredes sui et necessarii — /hariydiyz syuway et nesaseriyay/ In Roman law, own and necessary heirs; i.e., the lineal descendants of the estate leaver. They were called necessary heirs, because it was the law that made them heirs, and not the choice of either the decedent… … Black's law dictionary
haeredes sui et necessarii — (Civil law.) Descendants of the deceased and haeredes necessarii … Ballentine's law dictionary
haeredes necessarii — (Civil law.) Heirs of necessity; that is, heirs who were so without their election to become heirs … Ballentine's law dictionary
NECESSARI — necessarii … Abbreviations in Latin Inscriptions
Roman Law — Roman Law † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Roman Law In the following article this subject is briefly treated under the two heads of; I. Principles; II. History. Of these two divisions, I is subdivided into: A. Persons; B. Things; C. Actions … Catholic encyclopedia
Erbrecht — (Rechtsw.), 1) im objectiven Sinne der Inbegriff der gesetzlichen Vorschriften über die Succession in das Vermögen eines Verstorbenen, über die Erwerbung, den Verlust u. die Vertheilung von Erbschaft (Jus hereditarium); 2) im subjectiven Sinne… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Averroes — Ibn Rušd (ابن رشد) Averroes Statue of Averroes in Cordoba Full name ʾAbū l Walīd Muḥammad ibn ʾAḥmad ibn Rušd … Wikipedia
Jacob Lorhard — (Jacobus Lorhardus) (1561, Münsingen ndash; 19 May 1609) was a german philosopher and pedagogue based in St. Gallen, Switzerland.In 1603 Lorhard became Rector of the Gymnasium in St. Gallen. In 1606 he published Ogdoas scholastica , which… … Wikipedia
Право наследственное — система юридических правил, определяющих порядок и условия перехода имуществ (наследства) после смерти их владельца к определенным законом о наследовании, завещанием (см.) или наследственным договором лицам. Оно представляет собой необходимую… … Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона