necessary item

necessary item
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  • necessary — ► ADJECTIVE 1) required to be done, achieved, or present; needed. 2) that must be; inevitable: a necessary result. ► NOUN 1) (necessaries) the basic requirements of life, such as food and warmth. 2) (the necessary) informal the action, item, or… …   English terms dictionary

  • Item response theory — In psychometrics, item response theory (IRT) is a body of theory describing the application of mathematical models to data from questionnaires and tests as a basis for measuring abilities, attitudes, or other variables. It is used for statistical …   Wikipedia

  • Item (game) — In pencil and paper games and computer and video games, an item is an object within the game world that can be collected by a player or, occasionally, a non player character. These items are sometimes called pick ups .Items are most often… …   Wikipedia

  • necessary — adj. & n. adj. 1 requiring to be done, achieved, etc.; requisite, essential (it is necessary to work; lacks the necessary documents). 2 determined, existing, or happening by natural laws, predestination, etc., not by free will; inevitable (a… …   Useful english dictionary

  • necessary — adjective 1》 required to be done, achieved, or present; needed. 2》 inevitable: a necessary consequence.     ↘Philosophy inevitably resulting from the nature of things, so that the contrary is impossible.     ↘Philosophy (of an agent) having no… …   English new terms dictionary

  • necessary — I. adjective Etymology: Middle English necessarie, from Latin necessarius, from necesse necessary, probably from ne not + cedere to withdraw more at no Date: 14th century 1. a. of an inevitable nature ; inescapable b. (1) logical …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Item Image Processing —   A specialised form of Document Image Processing which is used to process cheques at high speed. Also simply called IIP. Both sides of the cheque are scanned simultaneously. The cheque image can then be stored electronically and the physical… …   International financial encyclopaedia

  • Digital Item — is the basic unit of transaction in the MPEG 21 framework. It is a structured digital object, including a standard representation, identification and metadata. A Digital Item may be a combination of resources like videos, audio tracks or images;… …   Wikipedia

  • Luxury Item — An item that is not necessary for living, but is deemed as highly desired within a culture or society. The ability to purchase or finance a luxury item is directly proportionate to ones income or assets. In other words, as people move into higher …   Investment dictionary

  • Polarity item — In linguistics, a polarity item is a lexical element that can appear only in the environment of a certain licensing context. Polarity items are defined as Negative Polarity Items (NPIs) or Positive Polarity items (PPIs). Simple negation creates a …   Wikipedia

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