
index felon, nefarious

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  • Nefarius — Moonstone/Nefarius Gil Kane, Art Publication information Publisher Marvel Comics …   Wikipedia

  • Ratchet \x26 Clank 3 — Ratchet Clank 3 Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Ratchet Clank 3, llamado Ratchet Clank: Up Your Arsenal en Estados Unidos, ( Ratchet y Clank: Pon tu Arsenal A Tope en español) es un juego de ficcíon lanzado para la consola PlayStation 2 que relata… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Ratchet & Clank — Entwickler …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Moonstone (comics) — For the first Moonstone, Lloyd Bloch, see Nefarius. Moonstone Moonstone. Art by Simone Bianchi. Publication information Pu …   Wikipedia

  • nefario — (Del lat. nefarius , malvado.) ► adjetivo Que es malvado o perverso. * * * nefario, a (del lat. «nefarĭus») adj. Aplicado a personas, *perverso o abominable. * * * nefario, ria. (Del lat. nefarĭus). adj. Sumamente malvado, impío e indigno del… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Ratchet (Ratchet \x26 Clank) — Ratchet (Ratchet Clank) Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Ratchet Personaje de Ratchet Clank Ratchet Primera aparición Ratchet Clank Creador(es) …   Wikipedia Español

  • Nefarious — Ne*fa ri*ous, a. [L. nefarius, fr. nefas crime, wrong; ne not + fas divine law; akin to fari to speak. See {No}, adv., and {Fate}.] Wicked in the extreme; abominable; iniquitous; atrociously villainous; execrable; detestably vile. [1913 Webster]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Nefariously — Nefarious Ne*fa ri*ous, a. [L. nefarius, fr. nefas crime, wrong; ne not + fas divine law; akin to fari to speak. See {No}, adv., and {Fate}.] Wicked in the extreme; abominable; iniquitous; atrociously villainous; execrable; detestably vile. [1913 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Nefariousness — Nefarious Ne*fa ri*ous, a. [L. nefarius, fr. nefas crime, wrong; ne not + fas divine law; akin to fari to speak. See {No}, adv., and {Fate}.] Wicked in the extreme; abominable; iniquitous; atrociously villainous; execrable; detestably vile. [1913 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • nefarious — adjective Etymology: Latin nefarius, from nefas crime, from ne not + fas right, divine law; perhaps akin to Greek themis law, tithenai to place more at do Date: circa 1609 flagrantly wicked or impious ; evil Synonyms: see vicious • nefariously… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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