- neglectful of obligation
delinquent (overdue)
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006
delinquent — de·lin·quent 1 /di liŋ kwənt/ n: a delinquent person; esp: juvenile delinquent delinquent 2 adj [Latin delinquent delinquens, present participle of delinquere to commit (an offense), err] 1 a: offending by neglect or violation of duty or law … Law dictionary
remiss — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) adj. lax, slack, neglectful, dilatory. See neglect. II (Roget s IV) modif. Syn. negligent, neglectful, derelict, lax, slack, inattentive, careless, indifferent, unmindful, forgetful, uninterested,… … English dictionary for students
Judaism — /jooh dee iz euhm, day , deuh /, n. 1. the monotheistic religion of the Jews, having its ethical, ceremonial, and legal foundation in the precepts of the Old Testament and in the teachings and commentaries of the rabbis as found chiefly in the… … Universalium
remiss — [ri mis′] adj. [L remissus, pp. of remittere: see REMIT] 1. careless in, or negligent about, attending to a task; lax in the performance of duty 2. characterized by carelessness or negligence 3. Now Rare not energetic; languid remissly adv.… … English World dictionary
Care of the Poor by the Church — Care of the Poor by the Church † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Care of the Poor by the Church I. OBJECTS, HISTORY, AND ORGANIZATION A. The care of the poor is a branch of charity. In the narrow sense charity means any exercise of mercy… … Catholic encyclopedia
native American — native American, adj. a person born in the United States. [1835 45, Amer.] * * * ▪ indigenous peoples of Canada and United States Introduction also called American Indian, Amerindian, Amerind, Indian, Aboriginal American, or First Nation… … Universalium
Native American — Indian (def. 1). Usage. See Indian, Eskimo. * * * ▪ indigenous peoples of Canada and United States Introduction also called American Indian, Amerindian, Amerind, Indian, Aboriginal A … Universalium
delinquent — 1. adjective a) Late or failing to pay a debt or other financial obligation, like a mortgage or loan. Fred is delinquent in making his car payment. b) Failing in or neglectful of a duty or obligation; guilty of a misdeed or offense The company… … Wiktionary
delinquent — /dəˈlɪŋkwənt / (say duh lingkwuhnt) adjective 1. failing in or neglectful of a duty or obligation; guilty of a misdeed or offence: delinquent in dealing with one s tax obligations. 2. of or relating to delinquents: delinquent behaviour. –noun 3.… …
Achewood — Author(s) Chris Onstad Website http://www.achewood.com Current status / schedule Indef … Wikipedia