
I adjective careful, cautious, changeable, close, discreet, evasive, faltering, guarded, hedging, heedful, hesitant, hesitating, incommunicative, inconstant, indecisive, infirm of purpose, irresolute, irresolved, laconic, lukewarm, mutable, neutral, on guard, precautionary, precautious, prudent, reserved, reticent, secretive, silent, taciturn, unassured, uncertain, uncommitted, uncommunicative, undaring, undecided, unforthcoming, uninvolved, unresolved, unresponsive, unsettled, unsteadfast, unsteady, unsure, vacillating, vague, wary, watchful, wavering II index guarded, neutral

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  • Noncommittal — Non com*mit tal, n. A state of not being committed or pledged; forbearance or refusal to commit one s self. Also used adjectively. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • noncommittal — [adj] unwilling to decide ambiguous, buttoned up*, careful, cautious, circumspect, clammed up*, constrained, discreet, equivocal, evasive, even steven*, guarded, hush hush*, incommunicable, indefinite, judicious, middle ground*, middleof the… …   New thesaurus

  • noncommittal — ☆ noncommittal [nän΄kə mit′ l ] adj. 1. not committing one to any point of view or course of action; not revealing one s position or purpose 2. having no definite quality, meaning, etc. noncommittally adv …   English World dictionary

  • noncommittal — [[t]nɒ̱nkəmɪ̱t(ə)l[/t]] also non committal ADJ GRADED: usu v link ADJ You can describe someone as noncommittal when they deliberately do not express their opinion or intentions clearly. Mr Hall is non committal about the number of jobs that the… …   English dictionary

  • noncommittal — adjective please advise your client that this court expects something more substantial than a string of noncommittal responses be noncommittal Syn: evasive, equivocal, guarded, circumspect, reserved; discreet, uncommunicative, tactful, diplomatic …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • noncommittal — adjective Date: 1829 1. giving no clear indication of attitude or feeling < a noncommittal reply > 2. having no clear or distinctive character • noncommittally adverb …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • noncommittal — noncommittally, adv. /non keuh mit l/, adj. not committing oneself, or not involving committal, to a particular view, course, or the like: The senator gave us a noncommittal answer. [1820 30, Amer.; NON + COMMITTAL] Syn. indefinite, vague,… …   Universalium

  • noncommittal — adjective /ˌnɒnkəˈmɪtl,ˌnɑnkəˈmɪdl/ Tending to avoid commitment; lacking certainty or decisiveness; reluctant to give out information or show ones feelings or opinion. The Majors face was noncommittal …   Wiktionary

  • noncommittal — adjective not expressing a definite opinion or intention (+ about): The doctor was noncommittal about his chances of making a full recovery. | a noncommital answer noncommitally adverb …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • noncommittal — /nɒnkəˈmɪtl/ (say nonkuh mitl) adjective not committing oneself, or not involving committal, to a particular view, course, or the like: a noncommittal answer …  

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