not take kindly to

not take kindly to
index disapprove (condemn)

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

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  • not take kindly to — (someone/something) to not be pleased by someone or something. He did not take kindly to instruction or advice. Society did not take kindly to women who wanted a career in those days …   New idioms dictionary

  • not take kindly to — (not) take kindly to (something) to not like something that someone says or does. Be careful what you say to Mike he doesn t take kindly to criticism. I didn t take kindly to being thrown out of the team …   New idioms dictionary

  • not take kindly to — (something) to be angered by something. Gomez, who had a great deal of experience, did not take kindly to advice …   New idioms dictionary

  • not take kindly to — ► not take kindly to not welcome or be pleased by. Main Entry: ↑kindly …   English terms dictionary

  • not take kindly to something — phrase to be annoyed by something Paul does not take kindly to laziness. Thesaurus: to be, or to become angry or annoyedsynonym Main entry: kindly * * * not take ˈkindly to sth/sb idiom to not like sth/sb …   Useful english dictionary

  • not take kindly to someone — not take kindly to (someone/something) to not be pleased by someone or something. He did not take kindly to instruction or advice. Society did not take kindly to women who wanted a career in those days …   New idioms dictionary

  • not take kindly to something — not take kindly to (someone/something) to not be pleased by someone or something. He did not take kindly to instruction or advice. Society did not take kindly to women who wanted a career in those days …   New idioms dictionary

  • not take kindly to something — (not) take kindly to (something) to not like something that someone says or does. Be careful what you say to Mike he doesn t take kindly to criticism. I didn t take kindly to being thrown out of the team …   New idioms dictionary

  • not take kindly to something — not take kindly to (something) to be angered by something. Gomez, who had a great deal of experience, did not take kindly to advice …   New idioms dictionary

  • not take kindly to somebody — not take ˈkindly to sth/sb idiom to not like sth/sb • She doesn t take kindly to sudden change. Main entry: ↑kindlyidiom …   Useful english dictionary

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