nullius momenti

nullius momenti
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  • judicium a non suo judice datum nullius est momenti — /jadis(h)(i)yam ey non s(y)uwow juwdasiy deytam nalayas est mamentay/ A judgment given by one who is not the proper judge is of no force …   Black's law dictionary

  • judicium a non suo judice datum nullius est momenti — /jadis(h)(i)yam ey non s(y)uwow juwdasiy deytam nalayas est mamentay/ A judgment given by one who is not the proper judge is of no force …   Black's law dictionary

  • Judicium anon suo judice datum nullius est momenti — A judgment rendered by a person who is not a judge is of no avail …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • tesmoignage — I. Tesmoignages ambigus, qui s eslident ou contredient, et destruisent les uns les autres, Testimonia euariantia et inter se refellentia, et quae inter se colliduntur. B. Tesmoignage constant et ferme, Testimonium constanter dictum, et iusta… …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • Nulla dies sine linea — Nulla dies sine linea, lat., kein Tag ohne Linie (d.h. ohne nützliches Thun); nulla regula sine exceptione, keine Regel ohne Ausnahme; nullius momenti, ohne Bedeutung …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • immaterial — im·ma·te·ri·al /ˌi mə tir ē əl/ adj: not essential, pertinent, or of consequence the jury could have discounted the medical history evidence, or while accepting its accuracy, found it immaterial Willett v. State, 911 S.W.2d 937 (1995) compare… …   Law dictionary

  • BORDA — vox Arabica, striatam vestem notat, et hinc alam locustae, in Poetis, apud Sam. Bochart. Hieroz. Part. prior. l. 2. c. 45. Apud Scriptores citimae aetatis Latinos, domum significat, aedem, tugurium. Unde Bordellum, aedicula, tuguriolum; et quia… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • DRACUINA — Rhaetiae in Suevia Cisdanubiana, Trauburg Lazio. Baudr. in Vindelicia, nunc Ehingen, seu locus in suburbiis, ex altera parte Danubii. Oppidul. nullius momenti, 3. leuc. supra Ulmam in Occ. In Suevia …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Mann — 1. A blind man may perchance hit the mark. – Tauben und Hühner Zeitung (Berlin 1862), Nr. 6, S. 46. 2. A Mann a Wort oder a Hundsfott. (Ulm.) 3. A Mann wie a Maus ün a Weib wie a Haus is noch nit gleich. (Jüd. deutsch. Warschau.) Will sagen, dass …   Deutsches Sprichwörter-Lexikon

  • judge — 1 / jəj/ vb judged, judg·ing [Old French jugier, from Latin judicare, from judic judex judge, from jus right, law + dicere to decide, say] vt 1: to hear and decide (as a litigated question) in a court of justice judge a case 2: to pronounce after …   Law dictionary

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