observance of form
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Observance — Ob*serv ance, n. [F. observance, L. observantia. See {Observant}.] 1. The act or practice of observing or noticing with attention; a heeding or keeping with care; performance; usually with a sense of strictness and fidelity; as, the observance of … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
observance — [n1] attention to, knowledge of something acknowledgment, acquittal, acquittance, adherence, awareness, carrying out, celebration, cognizance, compliance, discharge, fidelity, fulfillment, heed, heeding, honoring, keeping, mark, mind, note,… … New thesaurus
form — Synonyms and related words: Berkeleianism, Hegelianism, Kantianism, MO, Masan, Neoplatonism, Platonic form, Platonic idea, Platonism, Procrustean law, SOP, absolute idealism, accumulate, acquire, act, adjustment, algorithm, allocation, allomorph … Moby Thesaurus
observance — Synonyms and related words: accommodation, accord, accordance, acquiescence, adaptation, adaption, adherence, adhering, adjustment, adoration, advertence, advertency, agreement, alertness, allegiance, anniversaries, assiduity, assiduousness,… … Moby Thesaurus
Form-based code — A form based code (FBC) is a means of regulating development to achieve a specific urban form. Form based codes create a predictable public realm by controlling physical form primarily, with a lesser focus on land use, through city or county… … Wikipedia
form — /fɔm / (say fawm) noun 1. definite shape; external shape or appearance considered apart from colour or material; configuration. 2. the shape of a thing or person. 3. a body, especially that of a human being. 4. something that gives or determines… …
observance — noun 1) elders responsible for the correct observance of sacred rites Syn: compliance with, adherence to, accordance with, respect for, observation of, obedience to; keeping of, obeying of, fulfillment of, following of, honoring of; archaic… … Thesaurus of popular words
observance — n 1. observation, looking, viewing, witnessing; examination, taking note, scrutiny, inspection, searching; apprehension, perception, discernment, descrying, espying, espial, reconnaissance, spying, lookout. 2. observing, seeing, watching,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
Pardon (Religious observance in Brittany) — Pardon, from the Latin perdonare , assimilated in form to donum , a gift, middle English, to the old French perdun and pardun , and modern French pardonner signifies in Brittany the feast of the patron saint of a church or chapel, at which an… … Wikipedia
MESHWI (or Mishawayh, a form of Moses) AL-ʿUKBARĪ — (second half of the ninth century), Jewish sectarian of Ukbara, near Baghdad. Later karaites refer to him as Meshwi Ba albaki, since his followers emigrated from Babylonia to Syria in the tenth century. No details are known of the life of Meshwi … Encyclopedia of Judaism