cyberpiracy — n. The purchase of an Internet domain name that includes a company s registered trademark name, with the intention of selling the domain name to the company. Also: cyber piracy or cyber piracy. cyberpirate, n. Also: cyber pirate or cyber pirate.… … New words
cyberpiracy — noun The illegal or unethical activities of a cyberpirate … Wiktionary
cyberpiracy — /saɪbəˈpaɪrəsi/ (say suybuh puyruhsee) noun 1. theft which takes place on the internet, as of identification documents for the purpose of identity theft, or the illegal copying of music, games, etc. 2. the theft of an online presence by the… …
File sharing in Canada — Canada has the greatest number of file sharers per capita in the world according to a report by the OECD. [cite news|date=2005 12 13|url=|title=Digital Broadband Content|accessdate=2006 07… … Wikipedia
cybersquatting — n. Registering a trademarked name as a domain name with the intention of selling it to an individual or company that actually owns the trademarked name. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney… … Law dictionary
Cybersquatting — (also known as domain squatting), according to the United States federal law known as the Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act, is registering, trafficking in, or using a domain name with bad faith intent to profit from the goodwill of a… … Wikipedia
Lanham Act — The Lanham (Trademark) Act (title 15, chapter 22 of the United States Code) is a piece of legislation that contains the federal statutes of trademark law in the United States. The Act prohibits a number of activities, including trademark… … Wikipedia
Domain parking — is the registration of an Internet domain name without using it for services such as e mail or a website i.e without placing any content on the domain. This may be done to reserve the domain name for future development, to protect against the… … Wikipedia
Domain name warehousing — is the common practice of registrars obtaining control of domain names with the intent to hold or “warehouse” names for their use and/or profit. Also see domain name front running and domain tasting, related business practices employed by… … Wikipedia
Domain tasting — is the practice of a domain name registrant using the five day grace period (the Add Grace Period or AGP) at the beginning of the registration of an ICANN regulated second level domain to test the marketability of the domain. During this period,… … Wikipedia