offer reparation
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Reparation — • Theological concept of God demanding satisfaction for the injuries which man had done Him Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Reparation Reparation … Catholic encyclopedia
Reparation (Catholic Church) — Reparation is a Roman Catholic theological concept that humans are creatures who have fallen from an original state of justice in which they were created, and that through the Incarnation, Passion, and Death of Jesus, they have been redeemed and… … Wikipedia
reparation — reparation, redress, amends, restitution, indemnity are comparable when they mean a return for something lost or suffered, usually through the fault of another. Reparation implies an attempt to restore things to their normal or sound condition.… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Acts of Reparation to Jesus Christ — Roman Catholic tradition include specific prayers and devotions as Acts of Reparation for insults and blasphemies against Jesus Christ and the Holy Name of Jesus. These include the sufferings during the Passion of Jesus. Similar prayers as Acts… … Wikipedia
Acts of Reparation to the Virgin Mary — Roman Catholic tradition and Mariology include specific prayers and devotions as acts of reparation for insults and blasphemies against the Blessed Virgin Mary. Similar prayers as Acts of Reparation to Jesus Christ and Acts of Reparation to The… … Wikipedia
Acts of Reparation to The Holy Trinity — Roman Catholic tradition include specific prayers and devotions as Acts of Reparation for insults and blasphemies against the Holy Trinity and the Blessed Sacrament. Similar prayers as Acts of Reparation to the Virgin Mary and Acts of Reparation… … Wikipedia
indemnify — in·dem·ni·fy /in dem nə ˌfī/ vt fied, fy·ing [Latin indemnis unharmed, from in not + damnum damage] 1: to secure against hurt, loss, or damage 2: to compensate or reimburse for incurred hurt, loss, or damage in·dem·ni·fi·er n Merriam Webster’s… … Law dictionary
amends — /əˈmɛndz / (say uh mendz) phrase make amends, to offer reparation or compensation for a loss, damage or injury of any kind; recompense. {Middle English amendes, from Old French, plural of amende reparation} …
Carmelite Daughters of the Divine Heart of Jesus — The Roman Catholic religious order of the Carmelite Sisters of the Divine Heart of Jesus was founded by Blessed Maria Teresa of St. Joseph (Anna Maria Tauscher) in July 2, 1891 [] . Mother Mary Teresa… … Wikipedia
Duel — • This word, as used both in the ecclesiastical and civil criminal codes, generally signifies every contest with deadly weapons which takes place by agreement between two persons on account of some private quarrel Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin… … Catholic encyclopedia