data protection

data protection
Under the Data Protection Act 1984, those holding personal data on computer (where the data relates to identifiable individuals) must observe certain principles in how the data is held and in respect of the collection, holding, disclosure, use and granting of access to that data. In particular they must register with the Data Protection Agency.

Easyform Glossary of Law Terms. — UK law terms.

data protection
the law applicable to the control of the use of information about people by those into whose hands it has come. It derives from the Community law of the European Union (EU), which provides that member states must protect the fundamental rights and freedoms of natural persons, in particular their right to privacy with respect to the processing of personal data. The law is not restricted to information on a computer. The system in the UK works through a Data Protection Register and the supervision of a Data Protection Commissioner, all under and in terms of the Data Protection Act 1998 (replacing the 1984 Act). Those who are to use the information must register – data controllers and data processors. Even those who do not are obliged to deal properly with data as laid down in eight principles: data must be fairly and lawfully processed; be processed for limited purposes; the processing must be adequate, relevant and not excessive; the data must be accurate; data should not be kept longer than necessary; data must be processed in accordance with the data subject's rights; data should be kept secure; data cannot be transferred to countries without adequate protection, generally, intra-EU transfer is permitted, as is transfer to so-called safe havens like the USA. The person about whom data is held – the data subject – has certain rights: a right of access; a right to prevent processing likely to cause damage or distress; a right to prevent certain processing for the purpose of direct marketing; rights in relation to automated decision-taking; and in certain circumstances a right to compensation. There are many detailed exemptions for the security services and other lawful authorities.

Collins dictionary of law. . 2001.

data protection
The protection of data under the UK Data Protection Act 1998. The Act gives data subjects certain rights and requires data controllers to be open about how personal information about data subjects is used. Data protection is controlled and enforced by the Information Commissioner.
For further information, see the Information Commissioner's Office website.
Related links

Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of UK, US and international legal terms. . 2010.

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