
index belief (state of mind), character (reputation), conviction (persuasion), expectation, faith, impression, presumption, reputation, supposition

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

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  • Opinio — (von Esperanto. opinio: Meinung) war eine niederländische politische Wochenzeitschrift, die in den Jahren 2007 und 2008 herausgegeben wurde. Sie erschien freitags, der Redaktionssitz befand sich in Amsterdam. Geschichte Opinio wurde von Jaffe… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • OPINIO — inter Veter. Numina, vide supra ubide Diis. Apud Sueton. Nerone c. 53. Exiit opinio: idem quod fama est, ut alias saepe. Sic fama exiit, apud Corn. Nepotem Agesilao c. 2. et Annibale c. 9. Graece λόγοςω ἐξέπεσε. Nempe Opinio proprie λόγος est ὂν… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Opinio — was a Dutch weekly magazine, first appearing on January 18, 2007. The magazine ceased operations and declared bankruptcy on June 3 2008[1]. The number of subscribers at that point were 5000, which was not economically sustainable. The magazine… …   Wikipedia

  • Opinio — est/était un hebdomadaire de débats néerlandais revendiquant l étiquette de « gauche conservatrice » (??). Son rédacteur en chef est Jaffe Wink. Ses concurrents sont/était Elsevier et Vrij Nederland. Portail de la presse écrite …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Opinio juris sive necessitatis — ( an opinion of law or necessity ) or simply opinio juris ( an opinion of law ) is the belief that an action was carried out because it was a legal obligation. This is in contrast to an action being the result of different cognitive reaction, or… …   Wikipedia

  • Opinio communis —   [lateinisch] die, , bildungssprachlich für: allgemeine Meinung. * * * Opi|nio com|mu|nis, die; [lat. opinio communis] (bildungsspr.): allgemeine Meinung …   Universal-Lexikon

  • opinio iuris — (izg. opínio jȗris) DEFINICIJA pravn. pravna svijest; shvaćanje da neka norma nije samo običaj, već odraz postojeće pravne obveze ETIMOLOGIJA lat …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • opinio praeiudicata — index prejudice (preconception) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • Opinio tolerata — In Roman Catholic theology, Opinio tolerata refers to pious beliefs with a low degree of theological certainty, but which are tolerated by the Church.[1] These are below the Sententia probabilis level and hold the least degree of certainty in the …   Wikipedia

  • Opinio communis — Opi|nio com|mu|nis [ k...] die; <aus gleichbed. lat. opinio communis> allgemeine Meinung …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

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