
index ambit, area (province), bailiwick, capacity (sphere), circuit, province, purview, realm, scope, sphere

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

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, (of a celestial body) /

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  • Orbit — (lat. orbita „Geleise“) bezeichnet: in der Raumfahrt die Umlaufbahn eines Objektes um einen Himmelskörper darauf bezogen die Umlaufbahn eines Satelliten um die Erde, siehe Satellitenorbit in der Mathematik die Menge aller Punkte, in die ein… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Orbit 1 —   Author(s) Edited by Damon Knight …   Wikipedia

  • orbit — [ôr′bit] n. [MFr orbite < ML orbita < L, path, track < orbis, a circle, wheel] 1. the bony cavity containing the eye; eye socket 2. [L orbita] a) the actual or imaginary path taken by a celestial body during its periodic revolution… …   English World dictionary

  • Orbit — Or bit, n. [L. orbita a track or rut made by a wheel, course, circuit, fr. orbis a circle: cf. F. orbite. See 2d {Orb}.] 1. (Astron.) The path described by a heavenly body in its periodical revolution around another body; as, the orbit of Jupiter …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • ORBit — is a CORBA 2.4 compliant Object Request Broker (ORB). It features mature C, C++ and Python bindings, and less developed bindings for Perl, Lisp, Pascal, Ruby, and Tcl. Most of the code is distributed under the LGPL license, although the IDL… …   Wikipedia

  • Orbit — (в переводе с англ.  «орбита») может означать: Марку жевательной резинки фирмы Wrigley Orbit Downloader  программу для закачки файлов из Интернет. Orbit@home  проект распределённых вычислений. См. также Орбита (значения) … …   Википедия

  • orbit — [n1] circuit, revolution apogee, circle, circumgyration, course, curve, cycle, ellipse, lap, locus, path, pattern, perigee, rotation, round, track, trajectory; concepts 436,738 orbit [n2] influence, domain ambit, area, arena, boundary, bounds,… …   New thesaurus

  • orbit — ► NOUN 1) the regularly repeated elliptical course of a celestial object or spacecraft around a star or planet. 2) a field of activity or influence. 3) the path of an electron round an atomic nucleus. 4) Anatomy the eye socket. ► VERB (orbited,… …   English terms dictionary

  • Orbit — Orbit, feinkörniger Diorit …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Orbit — Orbit,der:⇨Umlaufbahn …   Das Wörterbuch der Synonyme

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