
I adjective accepting, according to custom, according to regulation, according to rule, according to the book, accustomed, acknowledged, approved, believing, bound by convention, canonical, common, commonplace, compliant, conformable, conforming, conservative, conventional, correct, customary, devoted to convention, doctrinal, established, formal, habitual, inflexible, literal, ordinary, orthodoxus, prescriptive, prevailing, proper, recognized, rigid, scrupulous, strict, traditional, typical, unbending, unchangeable, uncompromising, unheterodox, usual, wonted II index conventional, dogmatic, parochial, popular, proper, rigid, strict, traditional, typical, uncompromising, uniform, usual

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  • orthodox — orthodox …   Deutsch Wörterbuch

  • Orthodox — Or tho*dox, a. [L. orthodoxus, Gr. orqo doxos; orqo s right, true + do xa opinion, dokei^n to think, seem; cf. F. orthodoxe. See {Ortho }, {Dogma}.] 1. Sound in opinion or doctrine, especially in religious doctrine; hence, holding the Christian… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • orthodox — ► ADJECTIVE 1) conforming with traditional or generally accepted beliefs. 2) conventional; normal. 3) (Orthodox) relating to Orthodox Judaism or the Orthodox Church. DERIVATIVES orthodoxly adverb. ORIGIN Greek orthodoxos, from doxa opinion …   English terms dictionary

  • orthodox — [ôr′thə däks΄] adj. [< Fr or LL: Fr orthodoxe < LL orthōdoxus < LGr(Ec) orthodoxos, orthodox (in religion) < Gr orthos (see ORTHO ) + doxa, opinion < dokein, to think: see DECENT] 1. conforming to the usual beliefs or established… …   English World dictionary

  • orthodox — UK US /ˈɔːθədɒks/ adjective ► traditional, and accepted by most people: »Orthodox economic theory has failed to explain the role of technological change in society. »orthodox strategies for socio economic development in developing countries →… …   Financial and business terms

  • orthodox — Adj std. (16. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus l. orthodoxus rechtgläubig , dieses aus gr. orthódoxos, zu gr. orthós richtig, recht, gerecht und gr. dóxa Meinung, Glaube , weiter zu gr. dokeĩn glauben, meinen , das mit l. docēre lehren, unterrichten …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • Orthodox — Órthodóx, S. Rechtgläubig …   Grammatisch-kritisches Wörterbuch der Hochdeutschen Mundart

  • Orthodox — Orthodox, rechtgläubig, altgläubig, streng in Auslegung und Anwendung von hergebrachten Grundsätzen und Lehren, besonders in Religionssachen. B–l …   Damen Conversations Lexikon

  • orthodox — 1580s, from L.L. orthodoxus, from Gk. orthodoxos having the right opinion, from orthos right, true, straight (see ORTHO (Cf. ortho )) + doxa opinion, praise, from dokein to seem, from PIE root *dek to take, accept (see DECENT (C …   Etymology dictionary

  • orthodox — »rechtgläubig, strenggläubig; der strengen Lehrmeinung gemäß; der herkömmlichen Anschauung entsprechend«, auch übertragen gebraucht im Sinne von »starr, unnachgiebig«: Das Adjektiv wurde im 16. Jh. aus spätlat. orthodoxus entlehnt, das… …   Das Herkunftswörterbuch

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