- directive
behest, bidding, charge, command, commandment, declaration, decree, decretal, demand, dictate, direction, edict, enjoinment, fiat, hest, imperative, instruction, mandate, notification, order, ordinance, precept, prescript, prescription, proclamation, requirement, rescript, ukase, writ
causative, decretal, direction (order), fiat, guidance, mandate, order (judicial directive), procedural, regulation (rule), requirement, subpoena, writ
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006
- directive
a legislative Act of the European Union produced by the Council of the European Union and the Commission of the European Union. It directs member states to produce a certain effect within a certain time. This achieves the Community goal while respecting national differences. The member state need not legislate if it can achieve the same result by administrative measures. One of the most recent to have considerable effect in private law was the directive on product liability. Failure to comply can result in action before the Court of Justice of the European Communities at the instigation of the Commission. Directives are not directly applicable (See direct applicability) but they can have direct effect.
Collins dictionary of law. W. J. Stewart. 2001.
- directive
Legal instruments of the European Community which are binding on member states as to the end result, which is to be achieved by the deadlines stated in the directives, but leave the choice of method of implementation to the national authorities. They can be issued by the Council of the European Union together with the European Parliament, by the Council of the European Union alone or by the European Commission alone. Directives cannot, in general, be relied on by individuals in national courts except against a government or public authorities (which may include privatised industries which were formerly in the public sector) where the deadline for implementation has expired and the conditions for direct effect are fulfilled. Irrespective of the direct effect of directives, national courts have an obligation to interpret national law to ensure that the objectives of directives are achieved (indirect effect).Related links+directiveEuropean UnionLegal instrument of the European Union which requires member states to achieve a particular result within their internal legal order without dictating the means of achieving that result. Directives normally leave Member States with a certain amount of leeway as to the exact rules to be adopted. Directives can be adopted by the Council of the European Union in conjunction with the European Parliament or by the European Commission alone. If a directive has not been transposed into national legislation in a Member State, if it has been transposed incompletely or if there is a delay in transposing it, citizens can directly invoke the directive in question before the national courts.Glossary
Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of UK, US and international legal terms. www.practicallaw.com. 2010.